Zodwa Wabantu Stands Up Zimbabwean Promoters

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The whole of Zimbabwe burst into an uproar when her participation in the Harare International Carnival was turned down by former Minister Patrick Zhuwao courtesy of former actress Anne Nhira. A multitude of us went on multiple rants accusing The government of blocking ‘progress’. Yes, that lady is Zodwa Wabantu! Entertainer of sorts who is responsible for the full-blown wave of party starters mushrooming up in the Republic of South Africa.

However, it seems like Zodwa is now failing to come because she really does not want. The promoters of the latest shows which were scheduled for the 7th and 8th of December, Devine Assignments, are accusing her of failing to fulfill contractual agreements. Apparently, this is the same promoter who tried to bring Zodwa to Zimbabwe for the Carnival. #

In a press statement, the promoters claim that Zodwa is not reachable and they have now be forced to cancel the show. Furthermore, they claim to have sent a chaperone for Zodwa to Durban to ensure smooth travel, but Zodwa did not pitch up at the airport. This has resulted in the cancellation of shows and the promoters vowing to not engage Zodwa again.

It is a very sad situation when a top performer fails to go through with what they agreed. In fact, it’s even worse when they had been paid already. Zodwa’s rise has been of rocket proportions. Attending top events and being a guest host of some, she has built a brand that is a force to reckon with. With all the attention that rose after her failure to come, one would assume Zodwa’s team would jump at this opportunity to come and boost a ready fan base.

Alaa, my people. The lack of professionalism will always be the death of careers. Another factor contributing to Zodwa’s failure to come is the lack of respect foreign acts seem to have towards the Zimbabwean fans. Maybe our money is just not that green!

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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