Zimbabwe's VP to Sign the Solar Alliance Agreements in India

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Vice President of Zimbabwe Constantino Chiwenga who is in India has discussed on the International Solar Alliance (ISA) which the African nation will sign, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) reports.
The country’s national broadcaster said that after an agreement on the signing of a solar alliance, Zimbabwe will be among the countries to benefit from the US$2 billion agreement.
Zimbabwe, which enjoys 300 days of sunlight was previously excluded from the fund for countries which are solar rich according to ZBC.
ISA is for the 121 sun-rich countries situated between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
ISA agreement, which Zimbabwe can be part of, has a mission to provide a platform for cooperation among solar resource-rich countries where the global community, including bilateral and multilateral organisations, corporates, industry and other stakeholders.
The alliance’s objective is to work for efficient exploitation of solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

International Solar Alliance (ISA) is conceived as a coalition of solar resource rich countries to address their special energy needs and will provide a platform to collaborate on addressing the identified gaps through a common, agreed approach,” ISA states on its website.

The solar alliance recognizes that the energy from the sun provides solar resource-rich countries, lying fully or partially between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, with an opportunity to bring prosperity, energy security and sustainable development to their peoples.
Zimbabwe has more than 100 000 solar power systems installed in homes especially those that are off the grid.
Besides the ISA agreements, VP Chiwenga also met with Indian investors which he encouraged to invest in Zimbabwe. The Vice President discussed on areas of agriculture, mining, power, health and pharmaceuticals according to ZBC.

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