Zimbabwean Born Unveils the First Ever Autonomous Road Vehicle In Europe

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A Zimbabwe born entrepreneur Pasihapaori Chidziva, also known as William Sachiti, last week unveiled what is believed to be Europe’s first roadworthy autonomous delivery vehicle, Kar-go at a Goodwood House festival in  the United Kingdom.
One Kar-go is expected to be used as a pilot autonomous delivery vehicle within three months before the roll out of the product in 2020.
The company has, in 2017, raised over £300 000 through Crowdcube and has already launched the next  funding round to scale-up production and testing.
Unlike other existing autonomous transporters, which are restricted to using pavements, Kar-go will be the first one to use the road.
Sachiti, who is also an entrepreneur, founded the Kar-go company in 2015 at Aberystywth University.
The company got £10 000 grant from the same university as part of the InvEnterPrize scheme and patnered with a UK specialist car manufacturer, Pilgrim Motorsport in 2016.
Kar-go was selected to further develop its autonomous vehicle in 2017.
Sachiti has always been an entrepreneur, who at the age of 19 created Dragon’s Den, a company that offered solar powered bins as adverting platforms in towns. The company was licensed in 6 countries before closing down after three years.
Sachiti also founded mycityvenue, a digital concierge and holiday company which grew to approximately 1.6 million users before it was acquired by Secrets Escapes, a UK holiday company.

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