Zimbabwe President Reveals A Strategy To Deal With Businesses As Prices Continue Rising

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President Emmerson Mnangagwa revealed a strategy against businesses for the rising prices in Zimbabwean shelves during a meeting with the rural district councillors, in Harare last week.
President Mnangagwa said he did not see the reason for price increases in Zimbabwe; despite the country’s inflationary environment.
The leader, speaking in an allegory of himself as the father and the business as children who need to be disciplined, said it was time to take action against profiteering firms.

“Kana baba vane vana vavo vanombopopota ukazoona vorova mwana anenge anyanyisa. Unotanga wati ukadai ndokurova kadai ndokurova iye oramba achiita. Tasvika zvino pokuti dei shamhu yachirova” (A father rebukes, but beats up children when bad behaviour reaches extreme levels. We have finally reached a point where corporal punishment is needed) the President said.

Corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure is common among the native Zimbabwean parenting methods. This has also been adopted to African oriented schools where teachers beat up children for misbehaving.
The Zimbabwean President is on the record warning the business sector of taking action if prices continue rising in an inflationary environment.
Part of the President’s strategy involves setting up silo shops in rural areas around Zimbabwe.
The leader revealed that he managed to acquire the money needed for setting up silo shops around the country.
Silo shops will have nine basic products which will be bought through the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) to be sold at cheaper prices.
Part of the nine products which are meant for rural people include mealie-meal, cooking oil, sugar and salt.
Another step in the strategy will be for the government, through the Ministry of Industry, to hold a meeting.
The President said the meeting will be to invite the business sector to collaborate with the government to develop the country.

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