Zimbabwe Government Suspends Teachers for Not Reporting For Duty

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Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Evelyn Ndlovu has suspended teachers who failed to report from duty since the official opening of schools for 3 months without pay.

Teachers failed to report for work citing incapacitation, with some stating that they had no money to even return to work in the first place.

“During this period of suspension, members are not to hinder or interfere with any investigation or evidence relating to the alleged misconduct,” Ndlovu said.

“Appropriate action will be taken against members who abrogate their duties and responsibilities.”

But, the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) Mashonaland East Province Provincial Coordinator Tapiwa Chengeta says the government’s announcement suspending teachers is null and void and a ploy to instill fear.

“We are not employed by the Ministry of Education but by the PSC and the announcement by the Minister in not only illogical but also senseless and useless,” Chengeta said.

“We were not employed through a press conference and such barbarically announced proclamations induces more anger in us hence everyone must now join.”

The provincial coordinator went on to say that the Minister is exposing herself and her weaknesses as a leader since leaders listen and are open to dialogue.

Teachers have not reported for duty despite a deal by the Finance Minister for the government to pay the educators’ children school fees, duty-free vehicle importation, and a 20% pay increase.

The teachers are rejecing the 20% increase and demand salaries to be pegged to the US$580 which was being paid by the government in 2018.

“… 20% of nothing is nothing. We can not offer a service that we can not afford,” Chengeta said.

“The recent announcement by the Minister of Education has proved our capacity and efforts. This is a clear admission of how bad things are in the system.”

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