Zimbabwe Fails To Implement Abuja Declaration

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Zimbabwe’s failure to implement the Abuja Declaration is now a concern to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) which received only 9 per cent of the budget from the government.
The Minister of Health and Child Care Dr David Parirenyatwa raised the concern during the Zimbabwe Medical Association (ZIMA) Congress official opening on Friday stating that the was importance for the government in recognizing the Declaration.

“Last time we got 9 per cent but the Abuja says 15 per cent” said Parirenyatwa.

15 Per cent of the budget is supposed to be allocated to health according to the Abuja Declaration.
Parirenyatwa also showed some disapproval to the state of equipment and infrastructure used by hospitals in the country.

“If you go around… there are old building and if you go in you will find old equipment” the Minister said.

The minister also said that more than 90 per cent of drugs was coming from donors raising security concerns for the country.
Public hospitals have been battling with severe drug shortages recently and last year Harare Central Hospital and United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) had to suspend elective surgeries to manage the shortages after essential anaesthetic drugs ran out according to Newsday.
In 2001, members of the African Union met in Abuja, Nigeria and agreed that 15 per cent of the budget be allocated to health.
The highest that Zimbabwe could reach in health budget allocation the Abuja Declaration agreement was 11 per cent.

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