ZIFF Brings Back “Narratives from Zimbabwe” Project

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Zimbabwe International Film Festival (ZIFF) will this year bring back the “Narrative for Zimbabwe” project to document the country’s history and heritage in a series of events from 8 to 11 December 2021.

Narratives from Zimbabwe initiated in 2019, involve capturing interviews, footage, and photographs to create a multi-media digital archive and interactive website for filmmakers and other content creators to be able to draw from as a reservoir of indigenous knowledge and inspiration.

Founder and Executive Director of ZIFFT Nigel Munyati “Discussions and workshops to be hosted during the 21st edition of the Zimbabwe International Film Festival will be a convergence of artists, academics, and the public, deliberating on how best to move forward with the Narratives from Zimbabwe project, through which our historical and cultural legacy will take its rightful place on the global arena, into the digital domain and beyond.”

ZIFF’s 21st edition will be running under the theme “Owning Our Story”.

A highlight of the festival will be the Hi5 and Smartphone Short Film Competitions both running under the theme “My Heritage” for emerging filmmakers to showcase their talent, freely express their inner voice, and contribute to an all-important national discourse.

The Hi5 Competition invites filmmakers to produce and submit original documentary or drama films under five minutes in length.

Smartphone Short Film Competition is focused on Zimbabwe’s youth, giving them a platform to freely express their inner voice, and contribute to an all-important national discourse.

Participants must be ages 14 – 34 years and must be Zimbabwean residents or Diasporans who have at least one Zimbabwean-born parent.

Voting for both competitions will be conducted online during the festival, to ensure maximum participation by the online festival audience around the world.

ZIFF, first held in 1998, is a showcase of the best in film from Zimbabwe and around the world.

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