ZAOGA, ZANU-PF & Dynamos Are Three Things That Matters In Zimbabwe’s History, Vulgar-laden Preacher Says

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Apostle Christopher Kapandura aka Commander Kaps. The name itself conjures images of powerful sermons coated or overpowered by graphic vulgar words, foul and ribaldry.

An ordained overseer in ZAOGA FIF, he’s that one preacher you had regret ever sitting next to your parents during a church service because the uncouthness of his sermons reduces not only the intended message to some base level homilies but manifests a certain unrefinement by the good minister.

Writing on one of his viral sermon in 2011, journalist Larry Kwirirayi noted:

“Kapandura uses words that Tupac himself (May his soul rest in peace) would have used sparingly in church. In the sermon the man of cloth exhausted all the expletives found in the ghetto dictionary, disregarding any family members Ambuya ne Mukwasha and kids who might have gone to his sermon to get spiritual nourishment.”

Most of his teachings have been subject to social media debate with opinions divided over his vulgarity. Some feel Kaps goes over the board with his explicit language and that he should be sensitive to the audience he will preach to.

Others felt there is nothing wrong with his choice of words but it should only be limited to couples conferences or marriage teachings, and not a mixed church service.

Well, the Chinhoyi-based cleric has torched a fresh storm with another sermon that has since found its way to the digital arena.

Contrary to his habitual vulgar-laden sermons, this one embodies a politically partisan and religiously chauvinistic remark that has left viewers in stitches, others awestruck and others equally indignant.

Said Kapandura:

“I don’t like soft things. So, I tell people that when we’re writing history, the only three important things in Zimbabwe are; one, ZAOGA that was established in 1960; two, ZANU-PF that was formed in 1962, and Dynamos (a football club). That’s it,” said a smiling apostle to a cheering crowd.

Watch the clip below and share your thoughts.

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