Zambia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs: We Are Not Working With Freemasons

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Honourable Godfridah Sumaili, the National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister in Zambia, reportedly said that her government has noted with concern an event that took place on Saturday, 18th April 2020 in which the Freemasons Society took part in the cleaning of Chilenje Market and donated some cleaning materials and masks to the public.

Minister Sumaili, who is also the founder of Jesus Cares Ministries, told members of the press on Tuesday, April 21, that Zambia was a Christian-oriented nation of light anchored on the word of God and acknowledges the lordship of Jesus Christ over the nation.

“It is against this background that my Ministry has held a meeting with the leaders of the group to understand them. However, according to them, they are a part of the society with secrets,” the Minister was quoted in the Lusaka Times.

Reverend Sumaili said that her ministry was not working with the Freemasons at the moment until such a time that they fully understand what the group is all about.

“You see, even when these people held their event in Chilenje to the extent if donating materials, they never informed anyone nor did they seek guidance from the ministry of health on how to proceed with their activity under the circumstances,” Hon Sumaili said.

According to their website, Freemasonry is an organisation which encourages men, through participation in a series of ritual dramas, to achieve a better understanding of themselves leading to a general improvement of character and moral fibre. The site also says the society offers to mankind an emphasis on the importance of the individual, the belief in the brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God, the concept of the dignity of work and its necessity for the pursuit of happiness, the opportunity to realise one’s social aspirations morally constructively, and a philosophy of life which can lead to individual, and therefore community happiness.

The Masonic Charity Fund of Zambia which coordinates the generation and management of charity income and its subsequent disbursement to various Masonic and non-Masonic institutions within Zambia was established during the 1960s to render assistance and support to widows and dependents of deceased brethren and to help distressed brethren and their families in times of severe illness, old age and infirmity. It has also maintained regular donations to numerous worthy non-Masonic charitable institutions. On average, the site says, the Masonic Charity Fund donates in the order of K80 million per annum.

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1 comment

  1. Need I provide references to what Jesus would retort? Re turning the other Cheek. Let him who is without sin… Prepare a table before mine enemies… Or just 3 Galatians 28. In other words, Jesus would look at the deeds and what is in teh heatrt of who ever and not judge hem by rumour, scare mongering and innuendo

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