‘Your Votes will not Decide this Election but the Heavenly will,’ Says Prophet Madungwe As He Joins Twitter

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While many ministers say that Facebook is better for staying in touch with church members, Twitter can connect Christian leaders to new audiences.

It appears that controversial prophet and leader of Exile Desire of All Nations Ministries, Talent Madungwe, has finally made that realisation and has joined has joined plenty of other First Estate figures by signing up with the starpower network.

The prophet is signed up as @MadungweProphet and he joined on the 18th of July.

Madungwe, who is renowned for his ethereal prophecies that throws the country, airwaves, print media and the cyberspace into high-pitched hysteria, has already tweeted over ten times and stands over 300 followers.

With many tweeps logging in to tweet their innermost thoughts, Prophet Madungwe might have joined to specifically convey a very peculiar message as is indicated in his debut twitter which hints on revealing answers to the offing general election.

He tweeted:


Here are some of his follow up tweets.









Madungwe, 32, is famed for his ethereal prophecies that thrust the country, airwaves, print media and cyberspace into highpitched hysteria. Some of the prophecies are going to heavenhaving a birthday party with God and advising him, and arresting Satan.

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