You Are What You Think You Are

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The world, as we know it, is a collection of energy in flux. It is an inexplicable force that we as humans manipulate consciously and unconsciously to create our versions of reality. We cannot see it, we cannot touch it, yet we use it on a daily basis to form ideas, to invent, and yes even to destroy.

Our interaction with this energy determines how we view the world and how we choose to interpret things happening around us. Simply put, our thoughts are our reality. What we conceive is not in isolation, but is manifested to create a reality that matches those thoughts. If you think you are lazy, the energy you emit and receive will work in a manner that convinces you of your laziness. Likewise, if you believe you will prosper, that same energy will create situations and scenarios that lead to your prosperity.

Some call it the Holy Spirit, some call it the universe. Whatever you call it, it is abundant, it is powerful, and it is yours. No one has the power to convince you of something you don’t believe. It is up to you to take the interpretations of others and choose how you respond to them. There will always be negativity around us; in our homes, our relationships, our work, and our aspirations. But how we choose to deal with that negativity determines how those social settings develop.

I must be clear, this is not an easy process. It requires discipline and unmatched dedication. You need to think about what you are thinking about. Focus only on the things you value and love. Everything else is a distraction. It is that simple and that complex all at once. Train yourself to understand your power as a creator of reality. Accept that the negative circumstances you find yourself may not have been brought about by your actions initially, but that the failure to remove yourself from those circumstances if a fault all of your own.

Embrace your power, acknowledge it and accept it. You are what you think you are.

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