Wife Severely Scalds Husband With Boiling Water For Not Picking Her From A Church Service

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Marriage is far from easy and we all get ticked off. But do we calmly talk it out like adults? Only sometimes.

We have a cultural belief that men are more prone to anger than women, but that is simply not true. There’s an old phrase that says “When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” A quick google search on the matter bears that out.

An alarming report by the Chronicle show to be true that a certain Bulawayo woman allegedly scalded her husband with boiling water, peeling most of the skin from his body, in a fit of rage after he forgot to pick her from a church service.

Ms Alice Chigwida purportedly had a blowup with her hubby Mr Davies Chitagu over why he had come home late (10 PM) and failed to pick her from St Mary’s Cathedral last Sunday.

Alice is said to have waited for Mr Chitagu to fall asleep before boiling water and pouring it all over his body.

When the Chronicle reached out to Alice for a comment on the claims, she conceded that she was Alice before making a U-turn and denying her name and hung up the phone when she learnt that she was talking to the media.

A family member who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of victimisation said Alice ignored her husband while he howled in agony.

The source told the local paper that Alice — gripped by fear that he would die on their matrimonial bed — ultimately helped Davies into their car and went to ditch him at a surgery in the city before telling his relatives that he was in the emergency room.

A police report had to be made as Davies could not be treated without a report.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident, saying that this was a case of domestic violence.

“I can confirm that we are dealing with a case of domestic violence where a woman scalded her husband with boiling water following a domestic dispute. Further investigations into the matter are underway,” said Inspector Ncube, urging the public to desist from violence in families as it dragged people apart and increased tensions.

Another relative said he was relieved that Mr Chitagu had survived, but feared for his life as Alice “was unpredictable.”

He said police seemed to be dragging their feet on the matter.

Said the relative, as quoted by the Chronicle;

“My relative had boiling water poured on him while he was sleeping by his wife. His whole upper body and face have been badly scalded, and he has serious burns. A report has been made to Donnington (Police Station) and to date the perpetrator has not been arrested. We as a family are frustrated, and we fear for our brother’s safety as he is now back home and she is there.

“We feel the police are dragging their feet and not responding appropriately. Male victims of gender-based violence are never taken seriously. If this was reversed, the community would be up in arms. This is attempted murder and there is nothing to justify what the wife has done. My brother has given his statement; a medical report has been issued and it states the seriousness of what has happened but still, this woman is in the community. What is she going to do next?” asked the relative.

The relative said Mr Chitagu had since been discharged from hospital although he still had bandages on over 50 percent of his body.

Source_ Chronicle Zimbabwe 

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