Why Vaccinate the Youths ?

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There is a misconception that COVID-19 affects only the aged. It is a lie that COVID-19 only affects the aged. Covid-19 affects all age groups, the old and the young. Everyone is a victim of the virus, hence the need to be vaccinated. This includes the youths also. This article focuses on why young people should be vaccinated.

Young people can get COVID-19, hence they need to be vaccinated. According to research, young people who catch the virus are likely to develop debilitating long-term symptoms, including shortness of breath, migraines, loss of taste or smell, brain fog and fatigue, and even death. One of the first people to be deceased in a COVID-19 related illness, Zororo Makamba was very young at 30 years. This is evidence that COVID-19 affects even young people.

It is very dangerous to leave the youths in the vaccination process as these can also become vectors who transport the COVID-19 virus. They can pass on the virus even when they do not show COVID-19 symptoms. Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci once corrected a blogger Joe Rogan who had said that young people, 21 years of age, are not supposed to be vaccinated if they eat well. Fauci in an interview says you can’t think of this virus in a vacuum as if when you get the virus you’ll be asymptomatic and can’t infect others, including those more at risk. Young people become a danger to families and friends whom they can pass on the virus. COVID-19 can also be passed on from the youths to the aged people, who are more vulnerable to the virus hence the need for young people to be vaccinated.

The most active generation is of the youths. These are the ones who still have the energy to move around and actually work. Due to the fact that they are hyper-active, the youths need to be vaccinated so that they may not be super-spreaders on COVID-19. The youths themselves are also at risk of contracting the virus since they move around a lot, either for business or in search of pleasure e.g hosting illegal parties.

Youths have the largest population in Zimbabwe. Statistics show that 67.7 % of the population in Zimbabwe is under the age of 35. One way of reducing the spread of COVID-19 is vaccinating the youths since they have the largest population in the country.

Youths are also the leaders of tomorrow. If these are not vaccinated, then Zimbabwe is likely to lose people who might positively change the world. Zimbabwe does not have to lose the youths, since they also contribute a lot to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well.

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