Why there Are More African Women Going to Church than Men will Shock You

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Have you ever wondered why there are more women in Churches today?

In the past two decades, there has been a change in the demographics of practitioners’ assistants. Before the advent of Pentecostal churches, arrangements for sitting in churches were clearly defined by gender, the more men occupying the front seats.

However, the story has changed with more women attending church services than men while some even take up the chair to direct services.

In a report from the Ugandan-based platform, East African, as the number of women attending church increased, the number of men attending religious services declined. And as women took more seats than men, the sitting arrangement no longer seemed necessary.

Confounded by this paradigm shift in gender representation in the church today, studies were conducted across Africa and here are some findings.

Women feel better with others
A Gallup research shows that one reason more women go to church than men is that women are more open about sharing personal problems.

Research has also revealed that women are more relational than men. Research also shows that a higher proportion of women than men say they have a best friend in their congregation.

Women help build faith in the family
The Economist, in a 2016 report, said women are more likely to believe and practice a religion than men.

The report also found that 83.4% of women identify with a religion while 79.9% of men do so worldwide. But in America, 60% of women consider religion to be very important in their lives while only 47% of men do so.

Some women seek partners
More women go to church than men because singles are probably looking for a relationship that will eventually lead to marriage and where to find a relationship other than God’s vineyard.

Women have more problems than men
The East African report gives reasons for the influx of women into the church, women having much more problems than men and therefore more need of God.

The report further indicates that women naturally feel that one of their main duties is to be the house prayer warrior

Women like to be seen
A young telecommunications engineer believes that, besides looking for a man to get married in the church, some single women and even older married women, tend to use the church’s activities show off their success or the wealth of their husbands.

“Going to church is another opportunity to show off their clothes as women or to let the congregation see how much they are being pampered by their husbands,”

said the telecom engineer.

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