Why A Natural African Diet Is All That & A Bag Of Organic Crisps

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Word on the street; nutritious traditional food according to the new generation is deemed as uncool and has been replaced by processed, high fat, high sugar foods of significantly lower nutritional value. Zimbabwean cuisine for example has lost value on preference of the new processed and genetically enhanced food. The value of the traditional food is undermined by many people, and I am hoping that by the time I’m done with you, you’ll have a little more insight on the nutritional benefits of a Traditional African diet.

Get yourself some Fibre & we don’t mean Internet…

Traditional diet or cuisines fundamentally include starchy foods which are a very good source of high fibre which is essential in every diet. The foods improve cholesterol levels, prevent and treat constipation as well as aid in weight control. So if you have weight issues this is your healthy and easy way to go. Most people confuse expensive and fancy food with healthy eating. Surprisingly, traditional food has the high fibre we need and its costs are ridiculously low. Dietary fibre is found in fruits like (Masau & Marula), vegetables, legumes and whole grained cereals like sorghum and millet. Studies have proven that fibre plays a role in preventing some colon cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

PLANTAINS Credit: http://embassyofequatorialguinea.co.uk/
Credit: http://embassyofequatorialguinea.co.uk/

About Sodium Reduction 

Sodium reduction is guaranteed in African foods, studies suggest that minimal processed food intake is low. What is sodium? Sodium is a mineral that is crucial to life. It is controlled in the body by your kidneys, and it helps keep a balance of your body fluids. This being said, reduction of sodium intake is important to the Zimbabwean people as people with high sodium intake are prone to Hypertension, Blood Pressure or Heart problems and African naturals will help manage the sickness.

Fat Shaming…the ‘Healthy’ Kind.

African diets are mostly focused on fruits, vegetables and starches which provide no fat. Did you know if you reduce intake of meat and eat legumes (such as Cowpeas, Nyimo Beans or Sugar beans), fish and lean meats (wild animals which feed on an organic diet) you reduce the risk is gaining fat. People pay attention here!! Those are the benefits of traditional foods which I believe is worth the attention of many people.

Something about GMOs

A traditional African diet is comprised of “organic” sources with the current trend of GMO’s, many people are finding it hard to differentiate organic food from genetically enhanced food. Don’t be fooled guys!!! Organic food is much better and fresher because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Are GMO’s safe!!That’s a debate for another day lol. The benefits of organic food include better nutrition, unaltered quality and fewer chances of foot-borne diseases.

African Fruits & Berries Credit: radiodialogue.com
African Fruits & Berries
Credit: radiodialogue.com

If you like to cook…

A natural traditional diet employs wholesome cooking methods which keep the original aroma and taste of food through steaming, boiling, grilling and roasting or baking with fire. The awesome thing about the diet is that there is a wide range of food to choose from, from wild meat, grains to legumes which ensure all vitamins and the general needed health. Most methods of traditional food use little fat which reduces levels of cholesterol.

Munashe Chakaonda
Sources: The African Pot Nutrition


Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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