Who Knew Tinopona “Tin Tin” Katsande Was Such A Strong Believer?

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In general, the movie and television industry is seen as a distinctly secular place. Indeed, this space can be an extremely hostile place for people of faith. Over-sexualised, cut-throat and image-obsessed; living as a devout follower of Jesus can be an extraordinary feat for those who reside in the global capital of entertainment.

When someone comes out as being a Christian, they are torn to shreds by critics that think faith should stay out of the limelight. Knowing they will face harsh words, it’s not a surprise that some celebrities would want to keep their faith under wraps. But some of those who find that their talent has elevated them to the much-hallowed status of “celebrity” are bold enough to live for Jesus, no matter what the cost.

There are tons of Christian celebrities that are sharing the Word of God with their fans through social media, awards acceptance speeches, philanthropy efforts, and even Christian lyrics or TV roles. Sharing Jesus with the world is an incredibly courageous choice for these celebrities. They know they will receive backlash, but stand strong knowing that God is walking beside them. They are living a life passionately for Jesus Christ!

Popular actress, radio and television personality Tinopona Katsande may have made some bad choices at some point in her career, just as we all make bad choices in our day to day, but well she is such a woman of great faith, a narrative people rarely hear when her name surfaces on the tabloids.

Tin Tin, as she is affectionately known, took to her Facebook to open up on her condition and life as a mother, as well as narrating how God’s favour has pulled her through fibroids and endometriosis which can cause infertility. The condition is an often painful health condition in which the tissue that makes up the lining of the womb is present on other organs inside a body.

The actress who is heavily pregnant went further to recount how she had her first child despite the conditions which she encountered and the medical history she went through despite previously being advised she could not have children.

She also revealed how happy she was to expect another child whom she is expecting.

She said by coming out in the open, she wanted to inspire and save a life in the process.

Here is the post:

“I smile like this because I’m in awe of Gods mercy and grace in my life. I have a gynecological condition called #endometriosis ( often misinterpreted as jeko/islumo in Shona /Ndebele or just a bad period pain every month by those that really have no idea) . Several years back I was told I would probably never be able to have my own child due to the level and severity of the condition. Yes medically I had given up trying to have a child. With dozens of surgeries done , all sorts of alternative remedies and medicines later and of course rotating pain management programs , oh and coupled with kumborambwa because ” hauzvare” and all the derogatory names that comes with that- I honestly was seriously contemplating a hysterectomy at 36 years old.

Then my first miracal happened ( and YES it’s a miracal to me , I mean come on just look at the medical history) . I conceived and gave birth to my first born in 2016 at 36 years old . It was a horrendous pregnancy with three fibroids growing with him in my womb but faith is faith and God is God , I had a quick and safe natural delivery ( another mirical to me considering where the fibroids were and how they moved to make way for him to slide out the birth canal for a natural birth instead of the ceaser we had prepped for ) . We called him #Yambuko ( the crossover for indeed takayambutswa). My father named him Mukana ( mumwe Mukana – another chance – to see the power of God in our lives) .

I watched my little miracle grow always with joy and much gratitude in my heart but like any or most mothers you begin to pine for another blessing but I was convinced there was NO WAY that would be possible for me. A, I still had the endometriosis and B . what was so special about me of all people with all the judgment of people and from myself that my Jehovah would grant me ANOTHER miracal . I mean come on , ” isn’t that pushing it TinTin?” I told myself. Almost 5 months ago I found out I was expecting my second child after going for a routine scan to see just where those damn reoccurring endo fibroids where this time and determine if I needed yet another surgery. Can you believe it? I INDEED had been granted yet another miracal – endometriosis, fibroids , bad attitude and all!

(Hahada Mwari anoita kuwonererwa no hupenyu hwangu shuwa- thank you Jehovah for choosing me with all my imperfections as your template of mercy and grace)

Today at 40 years old , I’m surrounded by love support encouragement and prayers as I beam ” any day now”. We are expecting another boy and albeit this pregnacey has been just as horrendous if not worse than the first , I have all the faith that it shall be well .

Never doubt the power of your Creator! HE made you so HE can fix you. I’m no preacher and have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION to ever be one but I WILL NOT STOP PROFESSING MY TESTIMONY because I AM LIVING PROOF that there is a God and HE makes things happen if you just allow him.

Endometriosis is a “silent disease” that far too many women in Zimbabwe are dismally suffering from . With little awareness out there about the condition coupled with our cultural beliefs and limited understanding of the disease – haa ihondo chaiyo ( it’s a war )battling the condition plus the cost of diagnosis and treatment of symptoms ( remember there is no known cure yet here for endometriosis ) . However I will reiterate , a correct diagnosis is the first step in the right direction to manage the condition. And above all KEEP THE FAITH!(sic)”

By the way, Tin Tin, along with Tawanda Gunda Mupengo, Shakeel Ahmed, Albert Nyati, Candice Maduwa, Thandile Sothomela, Nothando Lobengula, Stellah January, Ben Mahaka, Lazarus “Gringo” Boora, Charlene Mangweni and Arthur Antonio, are starring in a new movie Lord of Kush which portrays the Muslim-Christian relations. It’s a movie based on the 2014 killings of at least 141 people, including 132 children at the military-run Peshawar School in Pakistan.

Watch Lord Of Kush trailer here.

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