We will Come Up with Bigger Projects If We Get Sponsorship: Says Spirit Praise as they Brace for Double Launch

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It is easy to think of art and business as mutually exclusive. Business people get on with their lives while artists do the same. But art is culturally necessary; it serves as a beacon of hope in a society that is replete with unemployment.

If developed, arts can do more than just provide a living. It encourages urban regeneration, nation-building, education, conservation of cultural heritage and even philanthropy.

Yet, in this economically driven world, any form of art requires adequate funding to thrive. This does not only benefit the artists but the country as a whole. Therefore, the plight of the artist is justifiable.

Speaking to the Herald recently, local gospel group Spirit Praise leader Learnmore Tavengwa said his group is apt to come up with bigger projects that will speak to many people’s souls in a magnificent style if only they can get sponsorship.

Tavengwa, who is doing a media run with the group for their double launch set for 7 July at 99 Park Lane in Harare, said:

“We hold the two events every year (Worship Moments & One Voice), and our mission is to spread the word of God through music. We are only doing what we can afford with our tight budget. If we get sponsorship, we will be able to come up with bigger projects that speak to people’s souls in a bigger way. We have seen other countries doing it in mega ways and we know Zimbabwe has a bigger potential.”

This revelation comes at a time when Spirit Praise has conducted many inspirational recordings that are set to change the face of praise and worship in the gospel arena.

Last year the outfit hosted the One Voice concert that featured several groups from numerous churches. The event was well attended and recorded live by some professional videographers. One Voice, which has developed into an annual affair now, will see the return of its third edition later this year.

Their Once Voice DVD is now ready and it will be launched on July 7. The DVD comes with an audio version and features songs like Anodaira Munamato, Zodzo Renyu, Makandiregerera and Mandiratidza Rudo Rwenyu.

It will be a double launch as it will also see the unveiling of Worship Moments 2 DVD Spirit Praise shot at their traditional venue at 99 Park Lane early this year.

Worship Moments is another annual recording from Spirit Praise. This year’s edition was done in February and it has songs that include Ndizadzei, Mandivhenekera, Trust in God, Anodaira Munamato and Tawana Zororo.

Tavengwa told Herald that their plans for the July 7 double launch have been progressing very well and they expect many top musicians to be part of the event.

“We are happy to launch our two DVDs. It will give people that did not manage to attend the recordings a taste of what was happening at the events. We are engaging many top musicians to be part of the event.”

The event will run from 5 pm to 8 pm.

He also said they have started preparing for this year’s one voice concert and they are planning to host about 50 gospel groups on a date to be announced in due course.



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