WALPE 2.2 Million Votes for Women Campaign Under Threat

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Low numbers of participation amongst female members in the by-elections have raised a red flag to the 2.2 Million Votes for Women From Women election Campaign to encourage the involvement of women in democratic processes.

Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE) which is running the 2.2 Million Votes for Women From Women election Campaign revealed their wish for the current by-elections to allow free space for all female candidates to participate freely without victimization.

“As WALPE, we are encouraging all female political candidates to remain resolute and strong as they enter male-dominated spaces,” the organization says.

“The organization also urges all political party leaders to ensure that they provide safe spaces for aspiring women leaders to actively participate in politics without fear of harassment, cyberbullying, intimidation and or violence.”

WALPE’s campaign is to encourage women to vote for fellow female candidates to ensure the necessary development and transformation of communities.

The campaign is also aiming to engage and mobilize 2.2 million women across Zimbabwe to register and vote.

“The campaign is as a result of the dwindling numbers of women elected and appointed into leadership and decision-making positions such as councilors, Members of Parliament (MPs), cabinet ministers or other high-level government positions,” WAPLE says.

“Currently, women are severely underrepresented in all leadership positions as evidenced by the fact that they occupy only an estimated 15 percent of leadership positions nationwide which is far below the requirements of sections 17, 56, and 80 of the Zimbabwean Constitution that mandate gender equality in all levels of leadership.”

Zimbabweans are currently facing the 26 March 2022 by-election fill-in vacancy seats for MPs and councilors.

Analysts say the process and outcomes of by-elections may represent what might happen in the national elections slated for 2023.

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