VP Mohadi Links NDS 1 to the Late General Moyo's Life

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Acting President Kembo Mohadi has said that it is incumbent to take a leaf from the late Brigadier-General Collin Moyo as Zimbabwe embarks on the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1) in the quest for economic emancipation.
The Acting President was speaking today during the burial of the late General who succumbed to pneumonia on 8 January 2021 in Harare.

“This (NDS 1) economic war needs no guns but a people with a focused, transformative, diligent and productive mind,” he said.
“Armed with a positive, winning mindset we can make the economy tick once again.”

The Vice President spoke of the need to put into a practical form that which is learnt in educational institutes as Zimbabwe moves into the practical elementation of the NDS 1.

“This is why our universities are moving towards the industrialisation and transformation of our communities,” he said.
“The late Cde Collin Moyo, like many of us who went through the training, did not learn for the sake of learning. We acquired knowledge and skills so that we may win the independence of our nation.”
“Today, may the voices of those like Collin Moyo and many who lie in this (Heroes) acre and other undesignated grounds across Zimbabwe speak to you young Zimbabweans that our education must produce an economy, an industry and shape the future livelihoods for posterity,” he went on.

The government launched the NDS 1 in November last year replace replacing the Transitional Stabilisation Program to achieve an economic growth average of 5% for five years.
NDS 1 has however been criticised for setting out higher targets which are over-ambitious.

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