Viral Homophobic Letter from ‘Jesus’ Blames Gays for Drought!

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Australia – Residents in one of Sydney’s most gay-friendly suburbs have received notes from “Jesus”, blaming gay people for the drought and a recent hail storm, and warning them to repent.

The letters appeared in several mailboxes around Darlinghurst earlier this week, less than 100 metres from Oxford St, the home of Sydney’s gay nightlife and annual Mardi Gras parade.

Local resident Nick Smith this morning tweeted a photo of the letter, which was placed in his mailbox in an envelope addressed to the “resident”.


“I opened it because the envelope was hand addressed to ‘resident’ which is rare,” Nick told Junkee. “The handwriting screams ‘I’m in my 70s’.”

Being the intrepid reporter that I am, I went for a short walk from Junkee’s Surry Hills office to Darlinghurst, and quickly found another copy of the letter, and a local resident who had opened one earlier this week. The local resident said the letter was “awful” to receive.

Among other things, “Jesus” takes credit for the removal of the “wicked” former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, warns that Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore should “humble [herself]”, and blames the drought on Australia’s decision to vote Yes in last year’s marriage equality postal survey.

The message takes issue with homosexuality, same-sex marriage, no-fault divorce, sodomy, and pornography — which hardly leaves any fun stuff for us to enjoy if “Jesus” gets his way.

Nick said he was able to laugh off the message from the “clearly unhinged” writer, despite its dark tones.

“It was a not great reminder of the postal survey last year and the sort of views which were aerated at the time. It was an all-around crappy time for me and my friends. Sharing it on social and having a laugh about it is a privilege,” he said.

The letter not only condemns same-sex marriage but also threatens the city and wider area with destruction and death.

“Ban remarriage and unjustified divorce, or I will bring hail in a violent form of destruction and death and delight to brake your pride.”

Read the full letter below:

“Sydney, Do you know why I have dried up your state? You chose the curse last year when your nation collectively decided to vote “YES” to that which I abhor. I have judged and removed that wicked Prime Minister, who gave you the evil desires of your heart, as I said I would through my servant, when writing to your City Council last year. Tell your mayor to humble herself, lest I unleash my fury on her, for inciting such wickedness.

“I have a cup of judgment prepared for your city. The recent hailstorm was your warning to turn from wickedness. Plead with your government, reverse your shameful marriage laws glorifying sodomy and adultery, ban fornication, pornography and prostitution, stop killing your unborn children. Ban remarriage and unjustified divorce, or I will bring hail in a violent form of destruction and death and delight to brake your pride. Ask your sister Hobart, what I did to her in May, for rejecting my words. I Yeshua/Jesus Christ am Eternal life. I bring life and blessing to those who walk upright and curses and death, to those who hate me. Choose who you will serve, but know that I have told you, through my servant.

-Jesus, The Messiah.”

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