Urgent Call to Prayer for The Victims Of #CycloneIdai

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The death toll from Cyclone Idai that hit Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe last week stood at 150 on Sunday, with hundreds more missing and tens of thousands of others stranded and cut off from roads and telephones in mainly poor, rural areas.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared a State of disaster in respect to areas that were affected by it.

Large swathes of the country are in distress. Houses, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, private facilities, farms, and crops were wiped out, causing deterioration of public services, the local economy, and agriculture activities.

Sadly, the death toll is expected to rise as rescue teams continue to search for hundreds of missing people whose numbers are rising.

Many people have been left with no or minimum means of surviving. Homeless, out of stock and faced with potential natural danger, they direly need all help.

The government and churches, notably the Anglican Diocese of Manicaland, are scrambling for assistance from donors and corporates as the natural disaster continues to affect millions of people in the region.

Meanwhile, an ecumenical organisation, Birthing A Nation In Prayer has joined in and is appealing to all to engage in an urgent prayer for the victims.

Here is the appeal:

Prayer Points For The Cyclone Idai And Those Affected

Urgent Watchfulness

God wants us to be alert and vigilant as watchmen. Let’s not be shaken to the point of paralysis by the news but instead energized to arise in prayer and intercession, knowing that God is our refuge. Let’s trust God in the midst of disaster. Let’s Arise On Our Knees And Intercede!

Matthew 22:37-39 New International Version (NIV)

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.

Behold our neighbours need us so much now than ever before. Shall we rally in prayer and with a loud cry and tears offer our petitions to the Father who is faithful to hear us (Hebrews 5:7). Like the good Samaritan (Luke 10 vs 25-37), let those who can help in cash or material come forth and join our hands.

Scripture: Psalm 46, Psalm 57:1

Prayer For The Affected

#Pray for those whose lives have been devastated by rain and flood.

  1. Father, comfort and strengthen those who have found themselves in sudden disaster, crisis and chaos.
  2. Pray that God would surround them with grace and peace through the storm and the flood.
  3. Almighty God and everlasting Father, comfort those who are grieving. May their cries rise up to you their Saviour, for you are their strength.
  4. Father God to those in distress, grant relief, and refreshment.
  5. Heavenly Father, May you surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love, that they may find you and be comforted.
  6. Pray for a quick reunion for any separated families.
  7. Pray that they would be able to access dry, comfortable lodging during this time.
  8. Pray for protection from additional rain and floods.
  9. Father, we pray for those who have suffered injuries to get the healing that comes from you.
  10. Father comfort those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones, avail the resources for their burial.

Pray For The Rescue, Recovery And Relief Teams/Workers

  1. Pray that God would have mercy on all those working to rescue the stranded and to feed the hungry.
  2. Sustain all those who seek to save others…… And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.
  3. May the Holy Spirit sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
  4. Pray for additional manpower from outside the affected areas to meet the need.
  5. Pray for physical strength and stamina for the disaster relief teams.
  6. Pray that Jehovah our provider would provide enough resources- money, supplies, equipment, food, water to meet the needs.
  7. Pray for protection of the resources from, abuse, theft, fraud, and accidents.
  8. Pray that God would clear the roadways for emergency personnel to access the affected.
  9. Father give strength to the rescue teams to work tirelessly until the task at hand is completed.

Prayer For Protection Against Continued Assault

  1. Lord, we ask you to save your people, from the fury of the flood.
  2. Father quiet the swirling winds, and clouds that are churning over Chimanimani and the whole nation of Zimbabwe.
  3. Lord Jesus command the winds and the rain to be still, as you come to our rescue.
  4. Lord, we ask that you would keep your people safe from further calamity.
  5. Father deliver us from all storms, heavy winds, and floods.
  6. Father, we ask you to protect the residents of Chimanimani against these floods, calm the rains and rising water.
  7. Lord you have authority over the sky and the weather, intercept the plan of the enemy and stay his hand we pray.
  8. Lord remember the boundaries that you set so that the waters will not surpass your command and encroach on the land on which you gave us for our habitation (Proverbs 8:29)
  9. Lord based on your covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:11), we cry out to you that our nation may not be harmed by this cyclone and the floods it is causing.
  10. Let the waters recede oh God and let peace and still return to our land.
  11. In the mighty name of Jesus, we rebuke the wind and the waves “Quiet be still!” (Mark 4 vs 35-41)

Prayer for the provision of the needs of the affected victims

  1. Lord, we pray for the provision of foodstuffs, tents and blankets, warm clothing and sanitation facilities for the victims of this tragedy.
  2. We pray for the immediate dispatching of medical assistance to the injured.
  3. Lord, we pray against all terminal injuries and speak healing that comes from the stripes of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Download the document below.

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