Tourism Ministry Works on Finalising A Strategic Plan

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The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality is working on the final documents of the Strategic Plan that will give direction and guide tourism sector for the next 5 years.
Addressing at the strategic planning workshop in Harare today Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Prisca Mupfumira said the strategic plan should outline the strategic direction and strategic moves that will be implemented to fulfil the needs and aspirations of clients and stakeholders.

“The macro and micro environment should also be assesses strategically to determine the strategic factors that will influence the Ministry’s performance,” Mupfumira said.
“This plan, therefore, seeks to rally and guide the independent decisoins and actions of the Ministry, its departments and employees towards the attainment of the vision, which is to ‘make Zimbabwe a Middle income Economy by 2030.'”

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality, Thokozile Chitepo during the strategic  said that the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality is already behind schedule in terms of submitting the Strategic Plan as well as other Result Based Management critical documents to the office of the President and Cabinet.

“These should have been submitted by the 31st of May 2018,” Chitepo said. “We therefore need to craft smart Key Result Areas, Goals and Objectives so that we develop our Tourism Sector to the next level.”
“Let us therefore be focused and put our minds together so that we develop our Tourism Sector to the next level.”

The final strategic plan documents are to be submitted to the Office of the President and Cabinet on Monday next week.
Mupfumira said the Strategic Plan should spell the direction that the Ministry of Tourism is going to take to fulfill the Mandate, Vision and Core Values for the coming years.

“In order for us to to achieve this, we should therefore, align the old draft Strategic Plan Document with the National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) document, the recently launched National Tourism Master Plan, Community Based Tourism Handbook and Manual, so that they are intergrated and speak to each other,” the Minister said.
“In doing so, we should also answer and map a way forward to the issues raised by our stakeholders during consultative workshops which culminated in the development of the NTSS document.”
“In developing this Plan, we should be guided and be answerable to the Rapid Results Initiative, Zim-Asset Blue print, Programme Based Budgeting, Ease of Doing Business, Sustainable Development Goals which the Government of Zimbabwe has adopted to ensure effective and efficient delivery of service and also take cognisance of the fact that the new dispensation has declared and is running with the theme, Zimbabwe is open for business,” Mupfumira went on.

The Minister said that the workshop is important as it will determine what the Ministry will do for the next 5 years in the fulfilling the mandate.
Mupfumira also told participants to take cognisance of factors that drive investment opportunities for local businesses.

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