Touching the Summit

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The sweet fragrances of Victory
Perfume your enlarged territory
The smile of a winner
Sweetens a face worn by expectation
The heart behind the smile
Dances to a new tune

The dead muscles under your skin
Stir like the Spring
Of a temperate Season.
Fresh life courses through your veins
Like aqueducts pumbing
Through solid rock
Yet the rock gives in
With animated warmth.
Yes Victory is sweet
And anoints the crestfallen heart
Yet once the mark is made
It turns to be a nightmare
To keep it in place
Yes Victory is sweet
But jealous is sour
Think of competition
Without the affliction of jealousy
Think of jealousy
Without despair
Jealousy that shouts
This is fair!
Yes you conquer a hill today
Tomorrow your opponent
Conquers a mountain.
Think of life free of competition
And the boredom that is its heartbeat
Yet nothing is well
Once you strike high
As another contender
Is bound to touch the summit.

Nhamo Muchagumisa

Nhamo Muchagumisa

Nhamo Muchagumisa is a poet and an acclaimed essayist. He has been published in the Parade, Trends, Writers Scroll, The Sunday Mail, The Sunday News, The Manica Post, #enthuse and Digital Sunday Express.

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