The Entry: To Hell With It

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I wonder about things. I look at life in a different light I would like to believe. I saw a baby crying today and wondered why the fuck would God make us so weak and pathetic. Little baby with his little baby balls. Grow a sense urgency why don’t you. But that’s just sadistic, I’m sure all he wants to do is sit back and suck on some tit. I don’t blame him, if I could right now I would suck on a tit too. All willy nilly taking life as it goes.

That’s not how it works, that’s not the plan. My eyes have been tainted go much for me to see such a simple thing as sucking on a tit so innocently. Ah but I’m just a pawn. Playing God’s endless game of give and take sacrificed when the time comes.

Who would have thought, it’s all a little game. Life sized monopoly trading soul for paper I could probably wipe my ass with. Morbid view of life you think ? Not really I’m just realistic as hell. I’m not about to prance about thinking of tea and crumpets. I was born a slave, not to the white man never that.

To the greatest for of communism. I praise an unseen king and pay for my sins with coins and currency. You may not see it that way but we’ve been paying our way to heaven for ages now.

Oh well fuck it, at the end of the day I’m just gonna do me. Grab a tube of lotion and masturbate my mind out to videos of me fucking my fiance. Hell of a life!

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