The Entry: Peaches Part 4

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Submitted anonymously under the pseudonym Peaches. “I am bigger than what you see. Don’t let my filthy innocence amuse you into too much comfort.”

You know those prayers ‘for what we’re about to receive, we give thanks’?, well my thanks where in abundance. I had grabbed the right to consummate my relationship by the horns and tamed this raging bull. My mind began to wonder, I’d read somewhere if he’s sucking on a strong mint, like halls, when he’s going down on you, the minty tingle is absolutely divine. I hadn’t come that prepared, I was sexpecting an average situation to see what I was working with and if the fool could handle me in my full form.

That’s when I realised I was thinking. What was he not doing if I was thinking this much? I was about to enter a panic mode that it was already getting bad. That’s when he made an awkward grunt that snapped me out of my thoughts, I thought he’d blown a gasket which was funny because I was the one getting serviced. I wanted to laugh but he grabbed me by my  thighs ,spreading me wider then a turkey on thanksgiving about to get basted, and his full face went right in there.

The table wasn’t smooth and it hadn’t seen a lick of varnish in a while, that splinter lodged itself into my booty meat, which although shock absorbent with its size, was never ready for this involuntary penetration. I had no time to register the pain for then electricity I felt pulse through me was paralysing and I felt my skin want to rip off in what was an inexplicable pleasure. His tongue went up and down and round and in my ‘yes’ as I muttered . He heard it at I felt a coy smile happen down there and my hand rushed as though it was under demonic compulsion onto his head, partially to humble him as well since he was going down on me, I should enjoy it more than he did. But mainly to push it in closer and guide him to eat it right.

Yes I said eat it right. I didn’t want to be slowly taken down like a beef cappacio, I wanted to be that peri peri quarter chicken and chips from Nandos that you ravage through to cure the alcoholic munchies that might just kill you, after a night of braaing your liver in alcohol. I was getting greedy, he could feel it so he gave me more. And out the blue the words flew out my mouth, “Yes… Yes daddy yes’. And he instantly stopped. What had I just said?

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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