The Entry: Confused

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Submitted under the pseudonym Confused.

That moment when you feel like screaming inside. WTF!!! C’mon like seriously how can someone be so inconsiderate? Men are pigs for real! One hour passed by but when he called it was ‘babes give me two minutes and I will be there to pick you up’.  Men are shady. I had rocked my best outfit, everything on fleek for daddy but the motherf*cker had me wait for an hour. Who does that seriously? So I waited and the dude didn’t show up, I was like WTF I know my way, I will get myself to the club. I wasn’t going to let a guy ruin all the 3 hours of hard work to make myself look on point duh!!

So I got into a taxi that took me home the other day my so called ‘boyfriend’ ditched me at a party. The same lame excuses baby I got arrested and I slept in cell for the night blablabla. Hahaha the joke is on me right, actually I believed all this bullsh*t but I don’t know why I always keep coming back. There is so much fascination and excitement with bad guys and maybe it’s an addiction but when things are good they are really good. Maybe it’s because I’m too hooked to him but mmm he is good maybe it is the d****, he gives it to me real good.

“Ma’am we are here!” Damn you don’t have to shout! Wow how times flies, I was drowning in my thoughts that I didn’t notice we were already at the venue.

So I made my way inside the club, to my surprise guess who I saw? Actually I was not surprised he had another b*tch hooked by his side but at the fact that he was already at the club when I waited for an hour for his ass. Men are trash arrgggh! Why would you bring another b*tch when you know I will be there? That is how evil man can be.

I walked up to the cheating bastard and slapped the n**** right across in his face. Psssh he should thank his God there was nothing sharp nearby I would have gashed his ass up! I didn’t wait for an excuse like he always does, I just gathered myself and told the ass wipe he wasn’t  worth wasting a good Friday night and three hours of glam. Yes it hurts too badly but what can I do I can’t force things, how ironic, the song that was playing said “usazoda kumanikidzira rudo paunodiwa unoona wega” (don’t force love, where true love exists you’ll know it.)

Yes I’m done but in the back of mind I’m asking myself am I really done? I know many ladies can relate because men are trash.


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