TB Joshua Delivers A Couple Struggling with Spiritual Spouses & Reignites Dying Affection!

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Spiritual husbands and wives are demonic manifestations that happen in certain individuals’ lives either at night or even during the day. These encounters are always sexual in nature and during these manifestations, the parties involved can have the same feelings and sensations as someone having sexual intercourse.

Most victims have challenges in marriages and love relationships.

Society ignores dreams or manifestations of this nature because they seem as just manifestations of one’s sexual desires and figments of one’s imaginations. But those that have been victims of these demonic systems have come to a point of frustration and know the negative effects of each sexual encounter.

Some excuse it by saying a Christian cannot be a victim of demonic attacks because they cannot be demonised. But yet those that are victims to demonic oppression cannot excuse the evidence of their pain and losses. But once a person is in Christ, such manifestations should not happen.

Prophet T. B. Joshua left a husband who visited the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) together with his wife shocked when he revealed that there was a man who was sleeping with her. The strange man, prophesied the Nigerian televangelist, was the reason the Tanzanian couple’s marriage was on the rocks.

The man, identified as Mr Suleman and works for the United Nations, claimed he did not have any affection for his wife prior to their visit to SCOAN.

TB Joshua said this was because she was not his wife before.

“She has a strange man that is disturbing her. She was not your wife before, but now she is. When I say a ‘strange man’, this strange man was the one enjoying her. She had married the man,” Prophet TB Joshua told the husband in a recorded video broadcasted on Emmanuel TV.

The man said his wife had been complaining that he could not sleep with her as he could do nothing.

“She has been complaining that I have a problem, and I can’t do anything; that I could not do that [sleep with her].”

In a twist of events, the SCOAN leader told the couple that the same strange man even gave Mr Suleman a strange woman who he had been sleeping with.

“You suddenly found yourself strangely having an affair with a lady in the dream. It was the same man that gave you that wife,” said TB Joshua.

Lucky for the couple, they were delivered from the surreal sexual cacodemon and goes to give testimony.

Watch the full video below: 


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