The Entry: My Cougar

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I enjoy my lifestyle very much, I do not complain, I do not stress at least that’s what I thought when I ‘scored myself the jackpot’ the other day this older woman walked up to me in Club Connect koBulawayo during my semester break club (bar rather)shenanigans and seemed to require my assistance and by “assistance”  i am not referring to your regular light bulb change, wardrobe moving, ceiling painting kind of assistance her request was way beyond that, it needed a less clothed version of myself

Since getting ourselves acquainted that day I figured there’s nothing wrong, this is an older woman who’s not really satisfied with her husbands contribution anymore and seeks some ‘young experience’ to remind her of her Brenda Fassie days and apparently I was the right candidate to chauffeur her through the good times in return, i get spoiled rotten(basically become a male blessed which might i add is very rare) and get the benefit of a low key relationship all I had to do is be her dial-a-boyfriend.

Although I would never be caught alive holding hands with this woman in public who could pass as my mother or even grandmother(on those bad makeup days she would occasionally have) I never felt bad especially after holding that shiny red iPhone 7s she bought me as a reward for my ‘hard work’ which I still have right now and is one of my most prized possessions.

The moments I hate the most are those when I walk up walk through her mansion living room  in Hillside (to which I have a guest key by the way) and see all those family portrait pictures of her children who are probably the same age or older than me and not forgetting the giant sized picture of her husband staring at me every time I pay my regular visits to my Cougars mansion.

Ben 10

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