South Africa: Cape Flats Artists Create Modern Twist to the Life Story of Krotoa

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A group of young artists have brought a modern spin to the life story of Krotoa. The musical production titled Krotoa van Vandag tells the story of a young girl from the Cape Flats’ in search of her true identity.

This also follows the release of the internationally acclaimed film Krotoa which premiered in Cape Town last week.

Krotoa [or Eva] was a Khoisan girl who was removed from her family and tribe in the 1650s to work as a translator for the Dutch during the founding of the Cape Colony. She also played a key role in working out terms to end the Dutch-Khoi war in the 17th century.

Krotoa later married a Danish surgeon in what was South Africa’s first recorded interracial marriage. After her husband was killed, she was banished to Robben Island and her children were sent to Mauritius. They only returned to South Africa after their mother’s death on the island in 1674.

On Saturday, members of the Musicians Association of South Africa, as well as Khoisan chief Francisco “Autshumoa” MacKenzie, attended the showcase held at Beacon Valley Secondary School in Mitchells Plain. Proceeds made at the event will be used to fund the cast whose dream is to take the show to a variety of schools across the city.

Read More: South Africa: Cape Flats Artists Create Modern Twist to the Life Story of Krotoa –

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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