Song Review: “Be Heard” by Chiedza Manyara

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Voice2Rep is a groundbreaking platform that aims to discover, develop and showcase the vocal talents of Zimbabwean youth. Now in its third year, this year’s cohort features 13 young men and women who have written and recorded songs about social ills that are affecting all of us in our communities. The project was born of a collaboration between Accountability Lab and the Magamba Network.

We all want to be heard, and that is what Chiedza Manyaya’s song implores on the Vakuru album compilation. With a rousing chorus that says, Ndoti mwari baba, ndokumbira se mwana wenyu kuti mundi batsire her song, “Be Heard” is a plaintive plea to pay attention to the plight of young orphans living in Zimbabwe. 

Chiedza Manyaya, sings the extraordinary “Be Heard”.

Manyaya has the strongest voice on the album, and treats the listener to a vocal powerhouse performance along with a classic Zim guitar rhythm with a soaring choral background accompaniment. A deeply emotive track, with mature and trained vocals “Be Heard” makes clear that Manyaya has been singing since the age of five years old. “I can say I was born a singer and that was and is my calling since I was young. I started singing in church – that’s where my music career started.” Manyaya continued to sing in high school in several gospel choirs and also used to lay down backing vocals for other artists at a friends’ studio. 


“Be Heard” is one of the best songs on this compilation. I defy anyone not to fall in love with this track which has strong gospel elements as well being a moving entreaty on behalf of orphans who are neglected in our communities. When asked about her inspiration for such an emotive song, Manyaya says,


“One day we had an Accountability Lab meeting in Harare, and that very night I didn’t like what I saw. As we were going to buy food I came across orphans who were sitting at the corner of the building and they were ages of 9 and 5 years old. That night, it was cold. I was wearing a jersey but still feeling cold. I thought of those kids and how they survive their everyday life and wrote this song”. Manyaya is deeply spiritual and views her extraordinary voice as a gift which she has been honing and practicing since childhood. “I have achieved a lot, especially in my spiritual life because it made me realize my calling and also other people’s lives being transformed at church.”


“Be Heard” is an example of the extraordinary talent we have in this country and the importance of platforms like Voice2Rep in amplifying it. If this is what the next generation brings to the table, our musical future is bright.


You can listen to this track and more on the “Vakuru” compilation album on streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube) or by sending a message to +27600806146 on Whatsapp.

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