Single, Searching & Waiting Upon The Lord: Sabastian Magacha’s New Life

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The thought of finding love again after a divorce is the dream of many who experience the breakup of a marriage. Some quickly jump back into the dating pool, while others are a bit more cautious, for fear of being hurt again.

Many divorced people have an unconscious tendency to hear the “voice” of their previous spouse in the words shared by a new person they are dating. A simple statement that a person makes can take them back to something that they had heard from their former partner, which might cause them to take a step back and reconsider pursuing this new relationship. Memories of the problems of that previous marriage can often impede finding love again after a divorce.

Could this be the phase that award-winning and well-travelled gospel artist Sabastian Magacha is going through currently?

This week the Hmetro ran a story on Magacha, in which he confirmed that he is still searching for a life partner after he amicably walked away from his six-year-old marriage with spouse Nomsa Ndikumwe Magacha.

Magacha told the publication that he is waiting for God’s time to bless him with another life partner.

“My brother I am still waiting for God’s answer. God knows what is the best is for me, so I am inviting him to lead my way. If he gives me the right person, you will be the first one to know. Choosing a life partner requires the presence of God himself and his blessings also,” he said.

While re-establishing oneself after divorce has its challenges, falling in love with one’s own company usually make it all worthwhile. Good for Magacha, his work-oriented lifestyle and work ethic is what’s keeping him going.

“For now I am keeping myself focused and continue working hard so that I achieve my goals. My songs soothe hearts of believers in these trying times,” said the Bhosvo maker.

During his divorce process with Nomsa, unconfirmed speculations conjectured that that issues of infidelity were the reasons that led to the separation of a once-celebrated gospel couple.

In her High Court petition to end their holy union, Nomsa claimed she had lost love and affection for the musician and that the union was beyond restoration. Magacha would go on reiterating that sentiment in a statement he made sometimes in May last year where he conceded that they have,

“been separated for the past nine months trying to see if there is a way to fix this, praying to God for direction and unfortunately we have now jointly made the decision to go our separate ways.

But Magacha, in conversation with the local tabloid, as has always been his stance couldn’t be drawn in the reasons why he parted ways with his ex-wife.

“The reasons why we parted ways I can’t reveal but we are done. I am waiting for the next one,” he said.

The entertainer stated that he is in the studio recording his 12 tracks album due for release next month. This will be his seventh body of work since he started, having unveiled Tomudana, Baba Ndinokutendai, Tinaye faithful God, Mapostori, Back to Sender and Wonererwai Jesu before.

Said him:

“These days I am spending much of my time in the studio recording my seventh album. I am going to have a few collaborations on this album.”

Magacha‘s news about being in the searching zone comes as a bit of a shocker as in February Zimbuzz ran a piece in which they said that the singer has found a new love.

“Barely a month after the High Court of Zimbabwe granted a decree of divorce to Sabastian Magacha and ex-wife Nomsah Ndikunwe the singer was already teasing social media with pics of new bae,” wrote the platform‘s founding editor Michael Shoko.

What could have possibly happened to that relationship, if there was any of course?

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