SHELF ME : October 2017

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From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership : by Pastor Scott Sauls

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In this honest book titled, Senior Pastor Scott Sauls exposes the real struggles that Christian leaders and pastors regularly face. Sauls shares his own stories and those of other leaders from Scripture and throughout history to remind us that we are human, we are sinners, and we need Jesus to help us thrive as people and leaders.


The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times : by Jonathan Cahn

The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times - By: Jonathan Cahn

Is it possible that an ancient blueprint holds the secret behind the events of our times? Could this blueprint lie behind the rise and fall of leaders and governments? Could events that took place nearly three thousand years ago now be determining the course of our world and with it the course of our lives?Could ancient figures from the Middle East hold the key to the leaders of our own day, what they do, when they rise, and when they fall? Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined not only the events of modern times but also their timing-even down to the exact days and dates?
Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the outcomes of current events more accurately than any poll or expert-even the outcomes of presidential elections? Has this mystery even touched the events of your life? Does the paradigm reveal what will take place in the future? And does it contain a warning critical for every person in this generation?

Prepare to be stunned, shocked, illuminated, and amazed. The Paradigm will reveal secrets and mysteries taking place all around you and show you what you never could have imagined. Jonathan Cahn, who caused an international stir with his New York Times best-selling book The Harbinger, will take you from the ancient Middle East to the news of the modern world on a journey you will never forget. As you open up The Paradigm, his most explosive book yet, you may never see your world the same way again.

Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance : by John M. Frame

Theology in Three Dimensions

John Frame is well known for his “three perspectives” on everything. In his Doctrine of the Word of God I first saw how it can be helpful: I believe the Bible is God’s Word (1) because it claims and proves itself to be (the normative perspective), (2) because the evidence demands it (the situational perspective), and (3) because the Holy Spirit has taught me (the existential aspect). Now at long last Frame lays out the thinking behind his triperspectivalism in what appears to be his shortest book (less than 100 pages of text). Many have been waiting for this work!


Holy Roar – 7 Words That Will Change The Way You Worship : by Chris Tomlin

Holy Roar,7 Words That Will Change The Way You Worship by Chris Tomlin Christian Book Reviews And Information


What does it mean to praise God?

In the ancient world something extraordinary happened when God s people gathered to worship him. It was more than just singing; it was a declaration, a proclamation, a time to fully embody praise to God for who he is and what he has done. In fact, in the Psalms, there are seven Hebrew words that are translated into the English word praise each of which represents a different aspect of what it means to truly praise God.

In Holy Roar, Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead share a fresh perspective from the worship practices of the ancient world. Grow in your understanding of praise as Darren offers unique insights. Be inspired as Chris shares how those insights take shape in the stories behind some of your favorite worship songs, including How Great Is Our God, We Fall Down, and Good Good Father. Whether for your own personal use or for use in your church small group, Holy Roar provides insight and encouragement to deepen your practice of praise. Follow along as Chris and Darren lead you to the throne room of God. Join their invitation. Become a part of the Holy Roar.

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