Seven Most Serious Prophecies That Pointed To Mugabe’s Downfall

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As the entire world now knows Robert Gabriel Mugabe has resigned from the position of President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, having ruled it for thirty-seven years. He was 93 years old at the time of his departure.

Just like any other presidents, the nonagenarian’s rule was marked by numerous prophecies that pointed to his eventual downfall. Evidently, he was so big a game so much that seers were jostling to foretell when he will die or to say the least, step down.

Some of these claims sound true now that he has stepped down, however, most were just wishful thinking in typical doom style prophecies.

Here is a list of seven of the most significant prophetic utterances which were largely appalling.

2013: Prophet Maxillar Mumo says President Mugabe will die on 3 February

In the year 2013, Kenyan prophet Maxillar Mumo prophesied shortly before the 31 July elections that President Mugabe would beat Tsvangirayi, yet Tsvangirayi would shortly assume the presidency.  A few days later he clearly explained his prophecy insinuating that President Mugabe would actually die.

2013: Mugabe To Step Down Following Grace Mugabe’s Death

In late 2013, an anonymous Zimbabwean minister based in Germany under the guise of a prophecy claimed to be holding crucial secrets given him by “The Father of All Lights”, with regards to horrendous end time catastrophes set to strike the world anytime soon. He said,

“When the First Lady passes on, it’s going to be very sad, and will have record mourners in the history of the Heroes Acre funeral ceremonies. This will also break down Robert Mugabe, and will eventually force him to quit the presidency, causing a final brutal power struggle inside Zanu PF…”

2014: Marc Bredenkamp’s  Prophecy About Mugabe Stepping Down

In November 2014 live on the F.B.N Television Network, South African Minister Marc Brendenkamp had a word for Zimbabwe and it’s then President Mugabe. He decreed that in three years time God would bring change to Zimbabwe & ‘remove one and replace him!’ Interestingly, three years later, the minister was quick to confirm his prophecy when he got the wind of Mugabe’s resignation.

2015: Austin Liabunya Foretells Mugabe’s Exact Death Date, and Grace Mugabe’s Shocking Doom

In 2015, controversial but hugely popular Malawian prophet, Austin Liabunya, predicted the supposed pending demise of President Robert Mugabe, announcing the exact date on which Mugabe was supposed to be off the face of the earth. Liabunya claimed that Mugabe was going to be the one with the earth by the 31st December 2015 as he also sounded the supposed end of Grace Mugabe’s political career, saying that she will bequeath all her ill-gotten wealth to the public as she expands it in political campaigns.h

2016: Magaya Prophet Supporter Predicts Robert Mugabe Sudden Death

In September 2016, a Walter Magaya prophet made a prophetic declaration that the president’s end was near. A prophet attached to the Prophetic Healing Deliverance Ministries made the announcement in a televised statement. According to the prophet, Mugabe’s health is deteriorating and that is God’s punishment for him. He added that President Robert Mugabe is facing punishment for causing Magaya’s arrest for rape. “Touch not my anointed,” the prophet quoted.

2017: Mugadza Prophesied That Mugabe Will Die In October

Earlier this year Kariba-based Remnant Pentecostal Church leader and human rights activist made headlines after he prophesied that President Robert Mugabe was going to die on the 17th of October 2017.

2017: TB Joshua’s Southern African Coup Prophecy

Nigerian Pastor and leader of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations TB Joshua, in an address to his followers at his church earlier this month predicted turmoil and civil war in an unnamed Southern African country. He said God had shown him that there were plans in the unnamed country to either kidnap or kill the President, Deputy President or the First Lady of that country. Some Zimbabweans were quick to interpret the prophecy to the latest political developments that’s been happening in the country to the prophecy.

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