Rutendo The Queen’s ‘Until We Honour The Mothers’ is Why We Need the Charwe Nyakasikana Statue

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Until We Honour the Mothers is a spoken word fusion single written and composed by Zimbabwean author, poet and speaker Rutendo “The Queen” Mutsamwira. The track is a rousing clarion call to honour Africa’s mothers for the role they played in the struggles, triumphs and development of their families, nations, continent and the world.

Rutendo was inspired by a recent debate over the erection of a statue in central Harare, Zimbabwe in memory of the late Charwe Nyakasikana also known as Mbuya Nehanda. Mbuya Nehanda / Charwe Nyakasikana was the spirit medium who inspired the 1896-97 first Chimurenga war. She was based in the northern plateau of Mashonaland and was influential in resisting colonial encroachment. Using her religious authority, she mobilized the masses against the Europeans. She was born around 1863 and she died in 1898 after being executed by the colonial authorities in Salisbury. When the announcement of her statue was made, debates across social media ensued along, political, religious and feminist lines.

“Despite whatever religious, political or tribal differences we have as Zimbabweans, her role in the history of our nation as a mother and fighter in the quest and eventual gaining of our independence is both unerasable and undeniable.“said Rutendo “The Queen” Mutsamwira.

Until We Honour the Mothers echoes this sentiment by celebrating the life and legacies of both African women and women of African descent who include Charwe Nyakasikana, Ruth Nomonde Chinamano, Victoria Fikile Chitepo, Queen Lozikeyi, Sunny Ntombiyelanga Takawira, Sally Mugabe, Joanna Mama MaFuyana Nkomo , Maria Musika, Maud Muzenda, Julia Zvobgo, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Katherine Johnson , Merieme Chadid, Nomzamo Winifred Zangiwe Madikizela-Mandela, Theresa Kachindamoto, Louise Bennet – Coverley, Amina Mohamed, Yaa Asantewa, Queen Moremi, Queen Nandi, Queen Lozikeyi, Gertrude Mutsamwira (Mukunda Bukuta), Sabina Bukuta ( Mukunda Dumba) and Evelyn Mutsamwira ( Mukunda Nyakauta) to mention a few.

Rutendo “The Queen” Mutsamwira  is a multi -faceted artist, award-winning broadcaster, business woman, poet and writer. The project Until We Honour the Mothers incorporates a visual component designed by Johannesburg based Zimbabwean illustrator Ruramai Musekiwa.  Until We Honour the Mothers is the first single off The Queen’s debut E.P. titled The Awakening and is available for stream across iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music and YouTube.

Using powerful metaphors and emotive commentary to drive home some highly necessary truths. We highly recommend more than just one play.

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