Rebuild Harare Team Moves In Solve Water Challenges

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A Harare Metropolitan advisory team crafted some quick winds to solve the province water challenges which have persisted with state councils failing to get a permanent solution.
Minister of State Harare Metropolitan Provincial Affairs, Oliver Chidawu, at a press conference at his offices today, told journalists that subcommittees of the Rebuild Harare Team are working on alleviating the situation that is facing Zimbabwe’s capital city regarding the provision of water.

“They (Rebuild Harare Team) are trying to mobilise resources so that we can work with the teams on the ground to identify areas we can drill boreholes throughout the whole province,” Chidawu said.
“They are now busy trying to get either from cooperates to donate, either from institutions that have capability so that we avoid the disaster.”

Water delivery in Harare has always been a disaster, with Lake Chivero the city’s main liquid supplier dwindling due to drought.
The city council has been rationing water in the city to manage the crisis.

“If we are not careful, we may ruin our own people because we all know the problem that we have of portable water, we don’t have it,” Chidawu said.
“People are struggling every day and they (Rebuild Harare Team) have come with a program.”

The Harare Province Minister came up with a 19 member board to advise on issues which include water and sanitation.
The advisors, which have been called the Rebuild Harare Team consist of CEOs and resident investors in the city.
The advisory board consist of Professor W. Sadomba, prominent lawyer Mr Simplisio Chihambakwe, Mr Vulindlela Ndlovu, who is the current director of CIMAS, Mr T. Maswiswi from Zimplats, Mrs L. Mupona, who is the town planner in the Harare City Council, Mr A. Mazarire, Mr F. Vheriwa, Mr Themba Ndebele, Mr Patrick Devinnish, Mr John Manley, Ambassador Marry Mubi, Mr Muchadei Masunda, Mr Kumbirai Katsande, Dr Lennieye, Mr Douglas Hoto, Engineer Seth Kambarami, Mr Munyati, Dr Robie Mupawose and Mr T. Zinyama from the Harare Residents Association.

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