#RapidReview: St Emmo Gets Vulnerable in New Single

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Today we discuss a recent release from Zimbabwean Artist, St Emmo; whose music style screams range. From R&B to Country while also immersing us House music. ’Take A Break’ features Masa Caroleen and Calvin Bowen.

The song has a lot of vulnerable aspects to it. It relates to being honest enough to look into yourself and openly say:

I am tired of being strong please give me a chance to be human!

’’Sometimes I fall and break‘’

This song gives listeners a first-person perspective getting into the nitty-gritty or simply the process of realizing how you feel, embracing the emotions(positive or negative), and finally deciding to see beyond the troubles of pain, fear or doubt.

‘’Kanazvanetsa totizirakurinani’’

(When the going gets tough we fill find a happier place)

Masa Caroleen empowers herself; discovering that she is the only superhero that can save her from it all. These human aspects of the lyrics cut deep into the soul and refurnish it with encouragement.

St Emmo opens the song up with his husky country vocals on a rollercoaster of catchy melodies and sounds. His falsetto has a slight screech that could have had a more rounded sound. Masa Caroleen’s voice has an ‘Old Soul’ element about it. There is a lot of pain and suffering in her voice that compliments the instrumentation. The power and control she maintains as the chorus builds-up creates excitement.

Calvin lacked presence when he began his verse but slowly got into the groove of it but I am sure his delivery could have been better. A greater level of energy and volume could have been used because he does not sound present at all.


This song takes us on a journey of different genres. The guitar which has its roots embedded in Jazz has a folk feel. The first verse has an African drum which was accompanied by a synth-like sound that set a mood of sensuality and vulnerability. The hook builds up the anticipation with the drums varying in dynamic. Diving into the chorus we hear a compilation of pop and hip hop sounds that move in unison. Getting into verse three, there is brief silence preparing us for Calvin’s’ singing. The music is unpredictable, it has a lot of layers to it. This offers music lovers a deep fascination.

In terms of originality, this song is a cross over and steps into different worlds by taking in bits and pieces which when tied up together creates a masterpiece. This song has the potential to be an anthem for the masses.

Out of 10, I would give it an 8.5 out of 10.

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