Prophet Makandiwa Prophesied About #Coronavirus Plague Half A Decade Ago!

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The coronavirus is officially a global pandemic and naturally, people are feeding their anxieties by voraciously consuming films, books and prophecies of yesteryears about other outbreaks.

Some of them bear eerie similarities to what’s happening right now, prompting some people on the internet to claim that certain storytellers, prognosticators and seers “predicted” the spread of the coronavirus.

One particularly striking example comes from a thriller novel by American author Dean Koontz called “The Eyes of Darkness”. The 1981 fictional work is getting a lot of renewed attention now, despite being nearly 40 years old. The book mentions a deadly virus called the “Wuhan 400” which he described as a “severe pneumonia-like illness” that spreads attacking “the lungs and bronchial tubes” and “resisting all known treatments.” The interwebs are rife with content that implies that Koontz had predicted the coronavirus outbreak.

Koontz is not the only person who seemed to have predicted the virus — or just had a good imagination to come up something which happened to partially overlap with actual events. So-called “psychic” Sylvia Browne supposedly predicted something like the coronavirus in her “End Of Days” book that, apparently, some of the Kardashians have read and recently quoted.

In a fashion similar, a video has surfaced on Christ TV channel that implies that United Family International Church (UFIC) leader and Zimbabwean cleric Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa prophesied about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) plague more than half a decade ago.

Within this profound prophetic delivery, the man of God exposes the origins and solution to the global pandemic, juxtaposing three of his infamous utterances with the various available information about the coronavirus, as represented in the mainstream media.

Watch the video below until the end.

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