Prophet Makandiwa: All Politicians Lie, Do Not Die for them

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United Family International Church (UFIC) leader Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa called on Zimbabweans to exercise the highest level of restraint and continue praying for peace to prevail in the coming days saying ‘danger’ is knocking on the nation’s doorsteps.

Speaking to thousands of congregants at the UFI church in Chitungwiza last Sunday concerning the existing political environment, Prophet Makandiwa pleaded with Zimbabweans to avoid anything to do with bloodshed.

“Our nation needs prayers, so sad what we see happening. People are dying while going about their business. Anything can happen. Danger is knocking at our doors. We don’t want to live under threats,” he said, to a deafening silence.

“We want to be sure we go about our business and stay in peace. If you hear people who are always talking about war and interested in it, they have never experienced war. There is nothing good about it,” he continued.

“We all saw a terrible sight in our town. Something that you don’t think could happen. There are some other countries used to that but not us, we are not used to that. I saw a video of one soldier taking cover and feeling like he is in the bush while in town.”

“There is nothing more folly than dying for a politician. Don’t waste your time dying for politicians. They all lie and that’s why I struggle attending rallies. I am not saying do not support them no, but do not be involved in anything to do with bloodshed,” he said.

“I value life. Anyone who promotes bloodshed must be the first one to go then others. I will not compromise on this one. We want peace!,” he added.

Prophet Makandiwa’s remarks echo that of the Zimbabwe Christian Church (ZCC) leader Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi.

In an interview on the sidelines of the ZCC Defe Dopota Holy Land 42nd commemoration of the passing on of church founder Reverend Samuel Mutendi in Gokwe North a week ago, Dr Mutendi said Zimbabweans must not be used by politicians or risk their lives so that greedy individuals assume political power as there is no honour in dying for a political party.

He said, “Yes people died for this country (during liberation struggle) and it’s different from dying for a seat in Parliament. That’s not a hero’s death.

“As they say the politics is a dirty game, let the politicians do their dirty work.”

Dr Mutendi commended Zimbabweans for a peaceful pre-election and election period.

“People of Zimbabwe must be commended for the peace we enjoyed before and during the elections. The sad chapter was violence after the elections. Yes we have people who died for this country in the war against colonialism. But Zimbabweans must not be used and die like what happened. There is no heroism in that,” he said.

Source: Bulawayo24 

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