Prophet Bushiri Respond To #NIMNSA’s Accusations Of Taking Advantage Of Women Within His Church

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A South African civil rights movement, the #NotInMyName on Sunday criticised Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church, accusing him of taking advantage of several women within his vast church.

We Publish The Press Release Below:

Since the dawn of democracy in 1994, South Africa has made significant strides in the fight for women’s rights and their emancipation in all societies. Women in South African society are, and are treated as equals who deserve veneration, respect and above all protection from all manner of wolves in sheep clothing.

For anyone who has not cared to read South Africa’s history, the Women’s March of 9 August, 1956 is rightly embedded in our hearts and minds as a landmark where icons including, but not limited to Mama Sophie de Bruyn, Mama Lilian Ngoyi, Mama Helen Joseph, and Mama Albertina Sisulu stood at the sharp end of our struggle and confronted the monster that the then Prime Minister Johannes Gerhadus, [Hans Strijdom], who was nicknamed “the Lion of the North” by his adherent followers.

As South Africa’s most vibrant, recognizable civil rights movement, #NotInMyName has been approached by women – former and current congregants – of the Enlightened Christian Gathering who, in strict confidence narrate their ordeals at the hands of the so-called man of God and his many lieutenants. Recounting her experience, one woman described the ECG as “one big bedroom”.

We have testimonies of how luxurious Gauteng hotels are centers for sexual encounters and sickening orgies. And the encounters date back to several years.

#NotInMyName is a responsible mass-based organization which is always calculated in its approach. Before sending a public warning, repeated and subtle efforts have been made to warn the respected ECG leader, Shepherd Bushiri to desist from his uncouth behavior and tendencies.

In a country like ours, overwhelmed by sex pests and sex-for-jobs perpetrators like Timothy Omotoso of the Jesus Dominion International church, William Emeka of the God Is Love Ministries church, Jabu Ndaba of the Trinity Apostolic Church – #NotInMyName hereby send a stern warning to Shepherd Bushiri [or whatever his real name is] that we are coming for him.

The recent protests seen outside ECG church following the death of congregants will look like a Sunday kindergarten outing if Bushiri does not come clean, and reform.

At the CRL Rights Commission hearings, #NotInMyName was in attendance, monitoring Bushiri as he dazzled the Commission with his prepared speeches and charismatic smiles. There is absolutely no dispute about the ECG church’s significant contribution to the economy in Tshwane – through what is being termed religious tourism. The large crowds that converge at the Pretoria Events Center provides a business hub for numerous people of Tshwane – from vendors to the hospitality industry.

However, any suggestion that the ECG leader becomes untouchable would be utterly ludicrous, and an insult to the hurting women.

Wathint’ Abafazi, Wathint’ Imbokodo! No amount of expensive designer suits, jewelry, hundreds of bodyguards, expensive Range Rovers, private jets, overzealous yet floundering lawyers, the tired gospel of prosperity or cultism will be able to shield Shepherd Bushiri when #NotInMyName and patriotic South

Africans rise to #Shutdown that ECG church.

We urge other women who have gone through the same traumatic experience to speak out. There is help out there and #NotInMyName will fight for your justice – even if it’s not fashionable to do so.

#NotInMyName is also fully briefed by poor South Africans who allege that they have lost significant amounts of money in financial schemes that are run within the ECG establishment. In due course, our people will rise to recover what they have lost.


COSA Got Involved, Calls Attacks On Prophet Bushiri Highest Level Of Witchcraft

The Christians of South Africa (COSA) organisation has condemned attacks on Prophet Bushiri, saying it’s the highest level of witchcraft.

“Prophet Bushiri is amongst numerous men in this country who have been accused of soliciting sexual favours. Attacking the ECG church based on those allegations is the highest level of witchcraft which only God can heal,”

Cosa president Pastor Derick Mosoana told the South Africa media on Tuesday.

“Pastor Phoswa of Rivers of Living Waters, under the leadership of Bishop Zondo, was at some point a victim to smear campaign and was later cleared. Cosa is concerned by the growing level of rehearsed allegations against pastors in South Africa.”

Mosoana said the ongoing “smear campaign” against Bushiri is a wake-up call to men of the cloth and churches in South Africa.

Finally, Prophet Bushiri Has Responded…

Prophet Bushiri has responded with a press release dated February 20, and issued by his Communications Director Ephraim Nyondo and external media relations officer Maynard Manyowa.

Manyowa said the charismatic preacher has taken the accusations very seriously and has dispatched emissaries to “engage #NotInMyName directly, and to clear the air on the matter”.

He further said the allegations cannot be taken lightly and Bushiri is on record at his church, urging his thousands of followers to respect women in all facets of their lives.


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