Prophet Bushiri Called To Apologise To Me: Passion Java

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The ongoing clerical torrent and bandy of words between Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Prophet Passion Java over the supposed death prophecy has reportedly eased with the later claiming that the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) leader called him to apologise over his erroneous reactions.

In a new video, the United States-based Zimbabwean preacher and Kingdom Embassy/Passion Java Ministries Church leader claims that Bushiri has apologised in person for branding him as attention-seeking and a fake prophet.

“I received a call from Prophet Bushiri himself and he expressed what he felt I did wrong on my end and he apologised when he lied that I had hired criminals and snipers to shoot him” claims Prophet Java.

Earlier this month, Prophet Java — who claims to have accurately predicted the death of President Nelson Mandela and Robert Mugabe — sensationally claimed Prophet Bushiri would die this December. In a live video, Java who at the time was on the South African leg of his 31st birthday celebration tours which started in Washington D.C, USA, and continued to Zimbabwe, Los Angeles and Dubai, said:

“I am still praying for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri… I saw him dying in the month of December. It’s all in my book. If you have not downloaded it, it’s called “I Have Already Told You”. I prophesied what would happen, January-December.”

His prophecy was, however, not welcomed with courtesy by Prophet Bushiri, widely known as Major 1. In fact, the Malawian-born preacher did not have kind words for Java that he bluntly declared him an attention-seeking and fake prophet, a reaction that clearly ruffled feathers between them.

“I heard someone is trying to prophesy about my death… some, some attention seekers, looking for attention to become popular and fame using some peoples’ names… and trying like, “Oh, I saw it in the spirit, he’s gonna die,” Just for attention. I won’t even mention his name, because that’s what he wanted to say… when I say, Major One will say my name… Um, I’m not saying his name because he is fake. That’s fake. I’m not dying.

It’s not right, it’s not even godly to be using some people’s names… you don’t play with words of death. That’s a serious issue. Just to become popular, you wanna use somebody’s name,” said the visibly shaken and traumatised prophet Bushiri.

In another clip, Bushiri went further to claim that Java had actually hired hit-men to kill him in December so that his “prophecy” comes to pass.

“There are people who are planning for my downfall. They have even given people money to shoot me in December so it comes out as a prophecy, yet they have done it themselves. But it will not happen. I have got a video, we got information where this man [Java] was paying criminals not knowing one criminal took the video and leaked it,” he said.

But Java says the men Bushiri claims were hired assassins are widely known, Zimbabwean artists, Enzo Ishal and Fantan.

“Everything is normal now. So I would not want any of my sons and daughters or anyone who follows my ministry to comment anything about this prophecy,” he says while asking God to bless Prophet Bushiri and his family,” Java said.

Watch the video below:

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