POETRY: Hearts Pounding Hearts

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 “Whoever made love forgot to make cushions to cushion those who fall from its grace.
Graves it graciously carved become falling pits.

 Not of mortal death, but rather a shattering of shared memories and thoughts.
All diminishing into figments of imagination.
Like chaff sifted into the wind. 

All gone. 

Bared hearts that once beat in yearning yearn to beat the other bare.

How ironic. 

Looking back, summer went by so quick it was always cold and we found ways to warm each other up, always. 

Till the blizzard came. 

A winter’s rapture rupturing year old knots, notwithstanding the progress borne of the ties.

We died.
An unnatural death.”

– Tawanda

Tawanda Kuvengwawasara is a young man inspired, tutored and moulded by the beauty of everyday life’s lessons and experiences. Tawanda is a fourth year Engineering student, a lover of Art, Music and life.

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Image Credit: deviantart.com (Rosa)


Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

1 comment

  1. Awesome,,,,

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