Passanger Organisation Condemns Rank Marshalls (Mahwindi) Over A Video of A Being Dragged Violently

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An organisation has condemned rank marshalls (mahwindi) over a video of a woman being dragged and forced to board a bus by the touts in Beitbridge.
Zimbabwe Passenger Transport Organisation (ZPTO) did not only condemn the acts in the video but also distanced itself away from the act.

“We condemn this nature of behaviour displayed by these rank marshalls and the Association has engaged the Government of Zimbabwe and policy so as to deal with matters relating to abuse of passengers at all designated bus stations countrywide,” ZPTO chairman Mr S Nanhanga said.
“The association would want to bring to the general public’s attention that the operator in the video is not a member of the Zimbabwe Passenger Transport Organisation.”

ZPTO also went on to discuss human rights issues around the treatment of passengers.

“In addition, the association would want to emphasis that violence against woman is a major violation of human rights,” Nanhanga said.
“Human rights must be respected at all times.”
“Passenger should be treated with dignity and should freely choose a bus they want to board whilst observing social distancing so as to curb the spread of COVID-19.” he went on.

The violent dragging of the woman into the bus is not an isolated incident as travellers especially old people always complain of their bags and sometimes clothes being tone apart by the mahindis.
Mahwindis have also been known around Zimbabwe for their notoriety including shouting at passengers and passersby during their working hours.

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