Parents Shouldn’t Be Too Deep In Their Sex Discussions With Children, Pastor Cautions 

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In the present sex-laden atmosphere we’re living in, children learn about sexuality from someone. The options are their peers, pornography, school settings, experimentation, or their parents. If not these, the morning paper does, the evening television news does, so does the weekly news magazines.

The best place for sex education is in the home, as a natural part of training children “in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:6). It is the parents’ God-given responsibility to teach children God’s perspective on every area of life, including sexuality (Ephesians 6:1–4).

Due to the intrinsic complexities of human sexuality, the physical aspects of biological reproduction cannot be separated from moral responsibility. Regardless of whether children receive sex education in schools or even at church, it remains the parents’ responsibility to ensure their children are properly educated about both the biological and moral aspects of sexuality.

Leaving values-training to others is dangerous, particularly regarding matters of sexuality in many cultures today.

What does the Bible say about sex?

Scripture speaks of virgins and a Virgin Birth, of the erotic and the carnal, of heterosexual and homosexual behaviours, of the body and the flesh. From  that background, sexuality is a gift to us from God and should be viewed as such. God created sex for two purposes: procreation and unity between husband and wife (Genesis 1:28; Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:7–8; 1 Corinthians 7:1–5). Any other use of sex is sin (1 Corinthians 6:9, 18; 1 Thessalonians 4:3).

Sadly, many in our world do not believe these truths. As a result, there are many perversions of sexuality and much unnecessary pain caused by them. Parents who properly educate their children about sex can help their children discern truth from error, walk in wisdom, and ultimately have a more wholesome experience of the gift of sexuality.

Alas, many parents find the topic of sexuality awkward and embarrassing, but it need not be. Parents should begin when the children are very young, speaking matter-of-factly with preschoolers about their bodies and how men and women are made differently.

Those conversations transition naturally into more complex areas as the child matures. It is important that a child knows he can talk to mom or dad about anything that confuses him.

It is just fair that parents discuss sex matters with their children, a Lusaka based cleric with Family Fellowship Global Ministries Bishop Christopher Kabunda stated.

The bishop is of the view that children are better off hearing about vital information concerning sex from their parents than from wrong sources such as social media.

In an interview with The Church Newspaper Zambia, the clergyman stated that there is nothing immoral about Christian parents openly discussing issues of sex with their children.

“Culturally, it was not right but with the passage of time and the world being a global village, I openly talk to my children about sex oriented issues freely as this helps me to be much closer to them and teach them the do’s and don’ts of life,” he said.

He added that in so doing, it helps him to give total control and direction to the children as they look up to him as their model because he has created a good platform whereby they discuss sensitive issues such as sex oriented ones openly.

Another pastor Winnie Musonda has, however, warned that although parents should openly discuss sex matters with children, they shouldn’t go ‘too deep”.

The Seed Time Harvest cleric agreed that if parents do not really educate their children on sex issues, they may never know about the consequences of sex.

“The time we are now living in is not like our generation were by sex issues were a taboo. Nowadays, it’s really dangerous and I can never trust anybody to teach my children about sex oriented issues be it an uncle or aunt.

This is because mostly when parents rely on others to teach their children on serious issues like sex, it’s possible for them to get wrong advice and might end up being raped,” said Pastor Musonda.

She, however, advised that parents shouldn’t be too deep in their sex discussions with children, as sex education content that is too strong may cause children to be wayward.

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