Open Up for Genuine Dialogue, President Mnangagwa Told

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Amid incessant pleas for an inclusive approach to government, Zimbabwe Divine Destiny leader Bishop Ancelimo Magaya has urged President Emmerson Mnangagwa to open up for a genuine national dialogue that will see the country emerge from its current economic shackles and international isolation.

Writing in a communique entitled Strong Warning, the outspoken bishop emphasised the need to have a convener for the dialogue process and noted that the president cannot convene it as he is part of what needs to be discussed.

We publish the full text here:

Given the government’s failure to resolve the socio-economic crises, I sense yet another cataclysmic phase which will see this “new dispensation” out of power.

Previous episodes of protests of the 1st of August 2018 and 14th to 16th of January 2019 both of which resulted in the state’s show of brutal and excessive force should serve as strong warning’s to the ED led government.

The killings on the 1st of August 2018 were deliberately meant to scare people from further protests. The state thought that there would never be any more protests. Five months later, there was one of the most impactful protests, and again the state responded excessively.

I warn strongly that given the simmering discontent in people unless ED and his government resolve these crises, they will live to regret. Take note Mr President of the following prophetic stern warnings and /or charges:

1. Mr President in your current form you have no capacity and grace to take the nation forward. God assigns different anointings for different epochs. I have said this before and will always say this. All your “mantras” will remain empty rhetorics. You are an old wineskin trying to carry or contain new wine. This will not be possible no matter how much effort and how much killings and arrests.

2. You are sadly allowing a precious opportunity to slip away from your fingers. If you genuinely repent, God will forgive you.

3. Open up for genuine dialogue to allow a transition that will take this nation forward. Please note that you cannot be the convener of this dialogue because you have been at the centre of this mess.

I have tried few times to seek your audience so that I speak to you directly but your office has not made it easy. You can never successfully run away from your shadow.

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