[NSFW] #AskSJ: Is it Safe to ‘do it’ when she’s Pregnant?

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Dear SJ,

I’m so stressed and didn’t know who to ask. My girlfriend is pregnant and seems to want us to continue doing it. I’m worried that I will hurt the baby or sperm will affect the baby. Is it safe?– Worried baby daddy.


Dear ‘Worried baby daddy’,

A question for the ages. This is just one of many reasons why males are the weaker sex in my book. I’ve been answering this one since high school. Culturally, a pregnancy supposedly “strains a relationship.” What hogwash by my primitive, unscientific people! Brothers will be afraid of literally “poking” their unborn or “seeding” them, whatever that means! And, the way a woman’s sex drive shoots up during the pregnancy doesn’t help while the guy plays the ghosting game…


It’s so safe my guy.

An unborn child is well protected inside the amniotic sac. It is so sterile up there and it is so squeaky clean that nothing can enter. And you definitely cannot poke the poor child. I swear you can’t. Rather ask her instead if she’s uncomfortable and I’m pretty sure she’d have said so anyway. A guy back in the day even once asked me if a blow job could get a woman pregnant if she swallowed. Sounds funny but simply put, no.

My worry would have been if this wasn’t your girlfriend. Some dudes actively pursue pregnant chicks to “experiment” with this type of sex.


Dear SJ,

Is emotional cheating a thing?– Curious chick


Dear ‘Curious chick’,

Well, the word cheating in your question pretty much says it all. This is yet another reason why a boy and a girl cannot be friends because there will be a subliminal emotional connection going there. Remember, everyone has 3 energy problems; mental, emotional or physical. If a person is emotionally absent from a relationship, they are in Stage 2 of breakdown. They are already mentally absent. They may or may not head straight into a physical affair. Who knows?

You’ll be sitting there thinking he’s going through something when in fact the movie title He’s Just Not That into You is happening to you.

Sonny Jermain is an award-winning public health, maternal, sexual and reproductive health rights facilitator and a traditional psychic. This column appears Thursdays on Enthuse. Send questions to asksj@enthusemag.com or WhatsApp +263 71 387 2286. Follow @SonnyJermain.

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