New Prophecy Says June & July Are Clouded With Mass Violence That Army Won’t Stop

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Zimbabwe is swamped in a tense and explosive mood because of deteriorating economic problems.

With annual inflation scaling 75,86%, prices have shot up by between 200% and 500%. Salaries and wages have been eroded sevenfold, leaving the already poor majority reeling in the depths of poverty and despair.

Currency and exchange rate volatility are wreaking havoc in the market and economy. The local quasi-currencies continue to lose value to hard currencies, especially the main base unit, the United States dollar.

An independent policy research organisation Sivio Institute warned in March that the country is prone to experience more protests until the government addresses issues of concern to the majority of Zimbabweans.

Fearing an uprising, the government has placed state security forces on high alert as it anticipates social unrest over economic and social problems, the Independent reports.

Last week, the Zimbabwe Independent established that state security forces have acquired new equipment and weapons, including water cannons, teargas canisters and guns, to prepare to combat looming street protests due to the collapsing economy, a wave of price increases and the skyrocketing cost of living amid plunging incomes.

Besides purchasing armaments, numerous police officers have been undergoing rigorous para-military-style training as the government prepares to face riots amid rising public discontent over the rising cost of living and general economic collapse.

Churches have repeatedly warned that the disintegrating economy had become a security hazard.

Divine Kingdom Ministries founding Pastor Ian Ndlovu issued an eerie prophecy regarding violent activities that will take place in Zimbabwe during the months of June and July.

The susurrating cleric said no one will stop the violence that will take place, not even the state security organs.

Here is a transcript of the prophecy as uttered in a live recorded service.

“When I’m praying for this nation, I see that the months of June and June in this nation they have clouds of violence and tension. Let’s understand it. I don’t normally declare thing, but because of what I see lying ahead, the Holy Spirit is saying the month of June, is a month of supplication and intercession before God.

Our country, according to God, is a troubled nation because people are suffering. We cannot pretend that it’s business as usual. People are in very serious pain because of economic problems. We don’t know what to expect in the future. Because of this, there is a lot of tension and distress in the nation. Which is why I’ve been discouraging demonstrations because the atmosphere is extremely volatile.

The Holy Spirit is saying June is a month of supplication. These two months, we need to consecrate them before God. I see clouds If intercessors do not pray, a lot of wrong things is going to happen in June. When it starts, the thing will spiral out of control. It will require people from outside stabilise our situation.

It’s very easy to start violence, but to end it will require external help. This is why I have been discouraging my brothers and sisters in the realms of politics from sparking demonstrations because once the thing starts no one would control it, not even the army will be able to control it because it will be driven by the spirits in the spiritual realm…

No amount of threats or force will stop the catastrophe, those in high places must avoid being arrogant for those in low places to exercise patience…[]…Time is almost running out…”

Pastor Ndlovu further said there are a lot of plots in higher places to depose President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The prophecy comes when the government has arrested human rights defenders on allegations of subversion as official paranoia over growing social unrest reaches a tipping point.

Their arrest came days after state-owned daily The Herald ran a story claiming that “a group of shady organisations with links to the (main opposition) MDC-Alliance has been hard at work laying the groundwork for civil unrest to be unleashed next month.”

The newspaper said some activists had attended a workshop on the Maldives archipelago that was conducted by a non-profit Serbian organisation, Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).

The paper also claimed that some members of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had earlier this month attended a workshop in Prague.

Several organisations mentioned by the newspaper dismissed the story as false and denied involvement in any plot against the government.

Last week various churches under the Churches and Civic Society Forum (CSCJF) banner warned MDC leader Nelson Chamisa to desist from inciting violence as they accuse him and other civil society groups of being greedy and harbouring selfish ambitions by calling for violent demonstrations.

They also warned the Zanu-PF party led by President Mnangagwa to desist from counterattacking the alleged planned demonstrations as the security in the country is getting tense by the day.

Home Affairs minister Cain Mathema recently warned the government is ready to deal with protesters, with the police echoing that they are ready to crush any mass uprising that threatens peace and stability.

The MDC and civic groups, however, say they will not be intimidated and continues to threaten to organise protests to force President Mnangagwa out of power, accusing him of failing to run the country.

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