Mzoe 7 Launches Pool Tournament To Combat Youth Drug Abuse

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Over the years Pool has been known as the gentry’s game, one that is usually located in the bars and sports clubs, but the trend has been changing seeing Pool tables sprouting in public places.
Pool has become so popular one can find a table or two in odd places such as shopping malls, parking bays and even in the streets. It has grown more so for Zimbabwean youths who will not visit the bars to enjoy the game. Enter Bulawayo based Afro-Beat rising star Mzobanzi Mlauzi known as Mzo 7 (Mr Gagagugu) who since realised the plight young people. Tapping into his humanitarian side, Mzoe 7 decided to use the game of pool as a way to Advocate against and bring awareness to Drug Abuse.

To fight drug abuse and enjoying the game of pool which is popular in bars,
Mzoe 7 installed pool tables in user friendly spots so that the young ones can enjoy the game away from bars thus being away from drugs and alcohol influenced behaviour.

“The idea to use pool as an awareness against drug abuse came when I realized that young boys were better at playing pool than me and my friends” he said.

Mlauzi’s move seeks to alleviate the negative influence, bars have on youths especially when it comes to alcohol and drug intake.

“The youths are caught up in economic and unemployment stress which is why alcohol and drug intake have spiralled in the country”, stressed Mlauzi.

Unemployment and a deteriorating economy has resulted in many youth partaking various forms of drugs that can be easily and cheaply accessed the streets such as Marijuana, Bronco and Nyaope. These hardships which are currently being faced in the country have had negative influences on the youngsters, thus the need to take them off the streets and focus their energies on something positive.
“I have engaged people with Pool Tables to mount them in friendly places suitable for the youth” added Mlauzi.

This initiative has also arranged four pool tables at Entumbane Township in Bulawayo to cater for the training of the youngsters. Mlauzi has come up with Tournaments for the Bulawayo youths with the recent Pool Tournament held at Entumbane last week. Onvi Media Director Mthabisi Ndlovu was present at the tournament and recorded the event.

“Mzoe 7 seeks to inspire the youth need inspiration, drugs kills Ubuntu and discipline and causes all sorts of crime”, he said.

Mzoe 7’s vision is to touch lives from different communities,

“I can’t help everyone but inspiring someone makes me feel better”, enthused Mzoe 7 in his closing remarks.

Using Pool as a way to rid youth from the streets has had a positive response from all age groups having seen primary school students and young adults participating in the game.

Natasha Justin 

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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