Mugodhi Apostolic Faith Church Passover Tragedy A State Of Disaster: President Mnangagwa 

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Via state broadcaster ZBC – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has instructed the government to declare Monday’s accident that claimed thirteen lives and left several others injured in Wedza a state of disaster and pave way for the availing of government help.

The accident occurred when a truck carrying maize plunged into Mugodhi Apostolic Faith church worshippers who were waiting for transport after a Passover gathering at the church’s headquarters popularly known as PaJerusarema, killing six on the spot.

In a statement, President Mnangagwa expressed his heartfelt condolences to all bereaved families and members of the church and wished a speedy recovery to those injured.

“The death of worshippers at the Mugodhi Apostolic Shrine in Hwedza has cast a dark cloud on both the Easter Holiday and our Independence celebrations. This freak accident which comes when the nation is still reeling from the effects of the devastating Cyclone Idai once again highlights the importance of absolute care, and ensuring roadworthy vehicles on our roads,” he said.

The President also called upon the police and other authorities to enforce traffic laws to reduce the number of accidents this festive season.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police have released some names of the deceased people who died.

Police Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said all the victims have been identified although two are yet to have their next of kin advised.

The victims have been identified as Paul Mupombwa (50), Tabeth Mupombwa (75), Edina Chinoda (70), Elite Shambamuto (5), Egenia Mutema (80), Sekai Chikukwa (70), Elisha Mabaira (45), Josephine Kwaramba (60), Mufaro Makuwe (7), Alliet Majokota (60) all of Buhera Manicaland under Chief Nyashanu and Patricia Garwe of Mukamba village Wedza.

Those whose next of kin are yet to be advised are two males aged 23 and 29 whose addresses are not yet known.

As the people try to come to terms with the tragedy, calls have been made to ensure safety measures are put in place during the church’s annual gatherings as the place has become a black spot.

Mr Joshua Mapako, a church member said in the short term, there is a need for the church to enlist the services of the police to help control traffic during annual gatherings while in the long term measure would be for the church to relocate to a bigger place.

Of the 11 injured, two have been transferred to Harare hospital while the other nine are still admitted at Mount St Mary’s hospital in Wedza.

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