MP Barred From Asking On Allegations of Partisan Distribution of Resources At A Parliamentary Portifolio Committee

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Gokwe-Nembudziya constituency Member of Parliament Mayor Justice Wadyajena has today blocked an opposition legislator David Tekeshe from asking a question on allegations of partisan distribution of Pfumvudza programme resources during a meeting on the portfolio committee on lands.
Tekeshe claimed to have seen members of Zimbabwe’s ruling party distributing Pfumvudza programme resources with no available Grain Marketing Board (GMB) members around. GMB is responsible for distributing Pfumvudza resources to farmers around Zimbabwe.
Wadyajena, who is the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Chairman on Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, did not however tolerate Tekeshe’s allegations and blocked Tekeshe accusing the opposition politician of using the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee for politicking.
Tekeshe, the Makoni central MP, later on, exited the meeting that was taking place online without asking his question.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture Dr John Basera, however, said the Pfumvudza programme is a government initiative hence issues of partisan distribution of resources were supposed to be reported to GMB offices.
He also said the program was for all Zimbabweans regardless of party lines.
The Permanent Secretary also said that the GMB workers were civil servants and not members of any political party.
Basera went on to say GMB workers were also not recruited on party lines too.
Allegations of partisan distribution of resources in agriculture have always appeared on local media including on the farm mechanisation programmes and the Command agriculture.
Pfumvudza is expected to support over two million households in Zimbabwe

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