Morocco Shrugs African Stereotypes Through Month-long Art festival

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Morocco is hosting a month-long festival to celebrate African art and culture, featuring some of the continent’s most prominent artists. Activities including theatre, exhibitions and concerts are being held around Rabat as part of the Africa in the Capital event. The festival follows a vast diplomatic, political and economic offensive by Morocco across the continent which culminated in its return to the African Union in January.

“We wanted to celebrate our Africanity and the return of Morocco to the African Union through the universal language of culture,” said painter Mehdi Qotbi, president of Morocco’s National Foundation of Museums. Africa in the Capital is giving pride of place to contemporary art,

“because we want to try to erase everything that is folklore and talk about Africa in the present,” said Qotbi.

Source: Morocco hosts month-long African art festival

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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